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92 Red Vette paint fade (oxidation?)



I have  92 vette where sections of the paint are turning a milky while and looks like oxidation to me. Is only happening in a few sections. but seems to be spreading, so before I start to attack this issue I thought I would get some suggestions on how to fix it.I have clay bared and polished the car before but due to it sitting out side more recently this damage has started to show. I am hoping just a good polish will help and it will not need s re-spray as the rest of the paint on the car is in great shape. This main issue is just on the driver side rear panel and only the top of it.










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I say 3 steps or little more probably could take it out with those pictures. Like Scott said maybe a closer up pic would help. But if you take a look in the car sections on the forum you can see the 88 300ZX that I am doing that had paint discolor somewhat like that. As long as it really isn't eatin through the clear you should be able to buff it out.

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C4 red paint is notorious for doing that.  As far as I've been told by friends who have had the same issue,  the best thing to do is repaint. I know that's not what you want to hear though.

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