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Hello from Ohio


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been checking out the forum for a week or so to get more info i havent tried Adam's products yet but looking forward to it real soon i have a new dodge dart with about 7,000 miles on it and less than perfect paint due mostly to bad habits taught when was younger everything from using cheap wash soap with an old rag to circular application and removal of wax also any old rag would do i never had a new car before and didnt know how easy it is to wreck ur paint never noticed swirl marks and maring before watching videos how to protect and car for my new paint its really upsetting now knowing what to look for and seeing all the damage i caused up until now i have been washing and waxing a couple times a week when descent out also atleast once or twice a month during  winter but now am afraid to touch it until i can get proper products im on the fence about what to order in the way of paint correction i know i need the 2 step polishing system but cant afford a machine for a good while ive seen a post or two on using it by hand but im not sure what applicator to use for each polish in addition i plan to get the clay system wash shampoo and the buttery wax to start maybe some microfiber if i can squeeze them into my budget just looking for some helpful info also waiting for a machine isnt an option i cant stand for my car to be dirty i havnt washed it for almost a week cause i dont want to cause more damage im having a hard time driving it or looking at it in its present state i use to spend my free time on what i thought was detailing it i feel a loss of happiness i dont know if it makes any sense to anyone else but its what i love 

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Hi Adam and welcome. What part of Ohio are you in? There are a number of Buckeyes on here that would certainly be willing to help you out and show you some stuff. You have come to the right place to learn and get some great products!

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Welcome Adam,

McDuff, Tim, and I are all in Lake County. If you want to give anything a try and you are local to me, I am more than willing to open up the cabinet for any Adams member.

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