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Adam in Van Nuys August 12


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Met the man himself in Van Nuys California last weekend. It was a little over two hours windshield time for me, but worth the trip. Watched Adam clean a few wheels, demonstrate numerous products, and generally have what appeared to be an enjoyable time yacking with some shine freaks. It was at Keyes Chevrolet, now an Adam's dealer.

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14 hours ago, Gnatsaresmall said:

Met the man himself in Van Nuys California last weekend. It was a little over two hours windshield time for me, but worth the trip. Watched Adam clean a few wheels, demonstrate numerous products, and generally have what appeared to be an enjoyable time yacking with some shine freaks. It was at Keyes Chevrolet, now an Adam's dealer.

Hey I was there. I took a few pictures with him. He even used my Matte detailer spray. I won the 15mm Swirl killer in raffle. 

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