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8 oz CS kit????



On its own website, Adams list a Ceramic Spray Kit for $100 and is a 12 oz Kit. But on Amazon, Adams (Which is listed as the seller also) sells an 8 oz kit.  Why doesn’t Adams sell an 8 oz kit on there own site?


12 oz kit on Adams website $100

8 oz kit Amazon Website $57 plus $10 shipping (Seller is listed as Adams Polishes)


MODS: Sorry if this in inappropriate , and delete/move if necessary. 

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This is not a technique that is unique to Adam's.  There are companies that sell various items on Amazon or other web vendor sites that are packaged differently, which can mean a lower price point.  This is generally enough to get people interested and then the person will seek out the vendor site to make larger purchases.  There is also the Vendor Exclusive models which means you need to go a 3rd party to get it as an incentive to keep your resellers.  While I have not checked and do not know for fact, but there is a possibility that the smaller kits are also available at the resellers.

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