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Is there a way to prevent/minimize bug build up?



I clayed, polished and waxed my car this weekend and I was wondering if there is a product/technique that will help minimize bugs sticking to the front of my car? The soft G8 paint seems to LOVE stuff to stick to it.


22 answers to this question

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Play Dodge em!!


I am hoping that the new peachy smelling wax job over the weekend will help to minimize the bugs sticking to my paint.


Bugs love my windshield at 70 mph :lol:

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Its always helpful to lay down a few more coats of your preferred protectant on the front end. So whatever wax you're using, lay some more on the front to build up some layers. It won't keep the bugs from sticking, but it will make cleaning them off easier and safer for your paint.

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The only thing you can do is make life easier by keeping your front end waxed so they clean off easier.

:iagree: or a bra for the front

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Clear bra on my G8 and like it! I'd love it if I didn't have to clean the wax off around the edge... lol


We will see how it acts with the bug crap. Not had a bug hit the car. It'd be frozen if it had... Ugh...

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Clear bra on my G8 and like it! I'd love it if I didn't have to clean the wax off around the edge... lol


We will see how it acts with the bug crap. Not had a bug hit the car. It'd be frozen if it had... Ugh...

IMO Lots of bras wear on your paint and cause more damage then the bugs.

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I had bird guts on my windshield yesterday :o:o:o


It must have been having a bad day and decided to end it all :(:(:(

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yeah clear bra on of the members on here sells them he is in georgia i plan on getting one for my truck and my wifes car in the near future

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I use my detail spray and microfiber cloth to remove the bugs after every time I drive. I usually clean my vette with the detail spray 3 times a week

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IMO Lots of bras wear on your paint and cause more damage then the bugs.


I agree 100% which is why I have the clear bra which is stuck on with adhesive. If it was a show car I wouldn't have installed it but it's not so I did. It really protects the front a ton! :)

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I agree 100% which is why I have the clear bra which is stuck on with adhesive. If it was a show car I wouldn't have installed it but it's not so I did. It really protects the front a ton! :)


I've seen the clear bra up close and it looked 100 times better than I thought it would have. If the guy hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have seen it. I sure didn't at first glance.

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There are some that are exceptional and some that aren't. One of my friend's turbo porsche's has the CLEANEST looking install I've ever seen. I don't know if its just thin or what but you have to looking really hard to find it.

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IMO Lots of bras wear on your paint and cause more damage then the bugs.

You have to buy a good one....never had any issues with paint on any of my Corvettes

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There are some that are exceptional and some that aren't. One of my friend's turbo porsche's has the CLEANEST looking install I've ever seen. I don't know if its just thin or what but you have to looking really hard to find it.


Mines not all that. Looks like a smooth orange peel. From several feet away you can't see it and on a lighter car it'd probably be even harder but on black EVERYTHING is visible...:(


My goal was to keep the front end looking good.


It'll do.

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Conventional Bras yes, Clear Bras no
I was talking about the conventional bras, The clear ones do look real nice. We are talking about cars "right":D
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I was talking about the conventional bras, The clear ones do look real nice. We are talking about cars "right":D



I'm starting to wonder :lol::lol:





I've got clear bras on both of my vehicles and I love them. Great protection, virtually unnoticable, and I can get them to shine as much as the paint. :thumbsup:

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My truck and my dad's Tahoe has the clear bras. They go on all of our new vehicles now! I'm planning on replacing my Mustang's hood/front bumper so I'm waiting on it but it does have 26,000 miles on it so i'm not going to worry about it.

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