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How does a person go about arranging an Adam's Detail Clinic? I'm a member of a car club in Indiana and would like to have one for the club.


Hi Dan, welcome to our forum! We typically arrange to do a clinic through a dealer, or, during a show.


That's not to say that we cannot do a clinic for your club! How many members do you have? Indiana is a black hole in our distribution network thus far, unfortunately!


We have had experienced customers of our host clinics, and we send out samples, promote the event, etc.


A.J., "JunkMan" here on our forum, is doing one on his own soon at the C5-C6 Bash in Bowling Green KY.


Steve, our styling show dude can help get one organized with you for you club as well.


Thanks Dan, and again, :welcomebanner:




Hi, Adam. It has been a while since I've talked to you. Last time must've been about four years ago when I first started using your products. I had a question about using a product, called customer service, and had you one the phone straight away. That was one of the best customer service experiences I've ever had. Talkin' to the pro! But I digress....


Anyway, the Indy Miata Club is about 120 cars strong but typcial turn-out for an event is about a third of that. However, there is an annual Midwest Miata Gathering that draws a good crowd. This year's gathering is being hosted by a club in Cincinnati in September so I don't know what their arrangements are. There is also a 20th Anniversary Miata Meet in Dallas next month (www.miataworldii.com). Lots of vendors there and would like to see Adam's there as well. I'm sure it's not too late.


I thought you might've had a do-it-yourself type of event. Does it come with instructions and a supply of DA Porter-Cables? :lol: I know what I'm doing but just not sure I can get the message across to such a group of people and they'd probably be jealous if they didn't have PCs.

Subscribing to this thread.... Wish it would be somewhere south of Indy...


Now you know Linda, all you have to do is drive to Louisville and I'll show you how to use your Adam's equipment and supplies when you get them. :thumbsup:

I'm all ears, what part of Indiana is this show held?


I haven't got that far yet. Really just had the thought and wanted to know what it would take. One idea I had was to have it at a winery here in Richmond. I could call it a Wine and Shine! :D But since the Miata Club is based outta Indy (duh) there may not be much of a turnout for an event an hour away.


So, Junkman, can you give me some idea of what you're doin' for your clinic? Some kinda outline maybe?


Newburgh! Sheesh, you can't get much more south than that can you? Actually, our club is spending this upcoming weekend romping around the Leavenworth area. I don't know where all our driving routes will take us but you just might see a bunch of Miatas flyin' around the roads down there somewhere.

Posted (edited)

Basically, I'm going to take a car which shows the hideous results of improper washing and bring it back to factory line shine (factory line shine, because by the time it gets to the showroom floor, it's full of rail dust). I'm going to show the entire process as I do it, making sure that I have total crowd participation. There will be time for anyone and everyone to have their questions answered, no matter how long it takes. I'll hire some strippers....


Ha! Made you look! lol.gif


That's basically it. I can guarantee it will be fun. Teaching is something I love to do and have done for years.

Edited by Junkman2008

Yo A.J. and Dan,


Let me know what you guys come up with so we can get the word out. Dan- Junkman is the absolute best option for an awesome clinic in your area.:2thumbs:



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