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Fort Hood


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I guess there's not enough killing in the world. That S.O.B. at Fort Hood is still alive. Seems he didn't want to go over and fight, so he kills 12 brave men who proudly serve this country.

I don't get on the bandwagon often, but this guy needs to die slowly. A bullet to each knee, each elbow, hack off each finger and toe one at a time, and let the ***tard bleed to death.


My prayers go out to the families and friends of those brave soldiers who died yesterday for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. God bless them all. :patriot::patriot:

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I gotta agree with you bro. honestly WTF. Why would you sign up if you didnt want to protect your country. You knew there was a possibility of getting sent over there. I dont understand people. I feel bad for the families. I hope that every one injured is okay and everyone that was killed rests in peace!

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must people go into the Service just for the free Education witch is the wrong thing to do.


For all the real Men and Women out there Serving or Country THANK YOU very much.:patriot:


God Bless those families that have lost there love ones:patriot:

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I agree Rich.


How can something like this happen on American soil?


One of the soldiers that was hit was from MI. His wife has been all over our local news. He survived with just an injury. Unfortuneatly, not everyone else did.


How sad. :(


For the ones that gave their lives...RIP. :patriot:

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A bullet to each knee, each elbow, hack off each finger and toe one at a time, and let the ***tard bleed to death. :patriot::patriot:

You forgot the shoulders and hips. And probably rip his finger and toenails out first. Let him suffer for a little while before you actually start the process of killing him. What he did is inexcusable.

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I'm glad the alleged perp survived. He needs to face the consequences of his actions and suffer the pain of realizing what he did to all those people and families.


Such a waste of fine, dedicated soldiers. My thoughts and prayers go out to their families, and every other member of the military that carries these heavy burdens. :patriot::patriot::patriot:

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I'm glad the alleged perp survived. He needs to face the consequences of his actions and suffer the pain of realizing what he did to all those people and families.


I don't think he'll ever realize. If he wanted out and didn't want to fight, why did he feel that he had to kill others and not just himself? A very sick mind for sure. I have a real problem with religious doctrine when it gets twisted around in a persons head and results in this.



Such a waste of fine, dedicated soldiers. My thoughts and prayers go out to their families, and every other member of the military that carries these heavy burdens. :patriot::patriot::patriot:



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Yes its a shame. He was telling everyone goodbye and giving away his stuff, thinkin he was hoping for his 'virgins' but they dont know the 'virgins' are razor blade lined, diseased cows :D No doubt he'll get his at some point in the rest of his now crap life.


RIP My brothers and sisters in arms! Get well to all those wounded.

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