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WaxOnWaxOff is great!


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If you ever wanna deal with an AWESOME person deal with this guy. I hit him up last Tuesday about a can of In and Out spray I saw in a pic on one of his post. Thursday early in the morning my dad took a turn for the worse at the hospital and when I got a break later in the day after he had stabilized I realized that I had a PM here. I apologized for not getting back to him sooner. (I am normally a quick responder) and let him kinda know what was going on so that if it took me a day or 2 to get back to him he would know why and not sell the can to someone else. He then did the coolest thing ever. He told me


"Hey man, this one's on me- you've got to take care of your Dad and I'll send this one out to you. It's my pleasure."




My father passed away the next morning. It was a week ago today and today the can showed up and it really made the end of my week a little brighter. It is amazing what a gesture like that can do. JUST AWESOME!


You guys can bet your sweet butts I will be paying this forward and i just hope this tradition of awesomeness started by a guy named Jim will continue on for a LONG time!


Thank you so much



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Very nice story about the detailing community here.


Kris, sorry to hear about your Dad...I've been where you are and I know that its not easy.


Same here. :( Hang in there. Good people here from what I have seen, so you have a little bit of support from your online friends.

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