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My Poor Truck!


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Sounds to me the nimrod is afraid of their insurance going up more. I had someone offer me a check themselves when I got rear ended years ago, and we turned it into my insurance company any way. I'd gotten pushed into the car in front of me.


Would it be safe to assume the one whom hit you has a driving record already?;)

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Would it be safe to assume the one whom hit you has a driving record already?;)


Well she has State Farm and the agent I talked to there said after this shes probably going to lose her insurance so I'd assume there is some past history.

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Your insurance will refund you the deductible once they collect from her insurance. I had to turn it over to my insurance once and I was pleasantly surprised when I got the deductible check back. Check with your insurance company about this.

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I had a similar incident a few years ago where someone hit my car and luckily I had a witness but couldnt pick out the driver in a line up so it unfortunatly didnt get taken care of and we had to pay from our insurance and we thought all was lost and such because they had a truck and there wasnt anything to prove they hit my car but my insurance didnt give up and about a year later I get a 500 check stating that they got it sorted out and here was my deductable back.

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Sorry to see the damage...

In your second post you stated you wanted it fixed tomorrow? Tomorrow is loong gone. Maybe you should have considered taking cash. I've done that to save folks from the insurance nightmare. Also, people are not idiots just because they have accidents. It happens to the best of us. Good luck getting this fixed.

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Dude that SUCKS! :mad: We had to go through all this last December with my wifes car. She had 2 accidents in one week while I was in Japan for training. Plus my son was with her and she was 6 months prego at the time. The first was kind of like yours. She was at a red light and someone in the lane next to her decided they didn't want to go the way they were facing and backed into the passenger side of her car. In the second one she was traveling north on a road in town and someone traveling south was following to close to the person in front of them who decided to make a right turn. This caused the person who hit my wife slam on her brakes and lose control of her car. She went across 2 lanes of traffic, hit my wife, and pushed her into a light pole. Everyone was ok but the Santa Fe was totaled after the second one. Neither one was her fault. It all worked out though because we had just ordered a new Ford Flex just after Thanksgiving and I was trying to figure out if we were going to sell or trade in the Hyundai. We actually got more $ from the insurance than if we would have sold it anyways. :D


Good luck man. :xfingers:

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