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HFX Detailing

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Everything posted by HFX Detailing

  1. do tell. i already want it but tell us more if you tried it.
  2. I can't believe the video. It seems too good to be true...I MUST have it. how would it be on top of glaze? PS: I know it is fake but I want me some soap soap
  3. I LOVE Leather Conditioner on plastic like that. I find if Interior Detailer does not do the trick, usually Leather Conditioner will.
  4. I like using the comparison of a dishwasher vs. hand wash. I cannot put a lot of my shaker cups in the dishwasher, why? The harsh chemicals required to remove the dirt strips off the sick logos on my cups...I want those logos to stay on the cup! Due to this, I hand wash them because I can use the right care for the job and the logos stay in tack. The same goes for a car. Harsh chemicals are needed to strip off all of that dirt. Chances are, his window seals will be a dull and ugly grey at the end of it and yours will still look new. That is one example. Another thing is, since he will not be claying, if you do a baggy test I bet you he will lose. Lastly, I know from the automatic washes I have tried...they simply do not get every single spot. You will be able to find dirt on his car, guaranteed. I have tried a few different ones and they all seem to leave soap residue also. You could also do a sheeting test with him after the year. I will place my money on yours winning that too.
  5. it looks the same color as a previous product. noooooooo. I like your guys' color coded system.
  6. what about smartdetailing.club ?
  7. It would be nice if this "wish list" had an alternative that allowed for me to track what I currently have, vs. what I need. So if I am low on shampoo, BANG it is in my cart as a suggestion. Now that would be sweet. BY THE WAY... If you need a developer to help with this I work for Detail Spray *wink wink* Currently I track everything in a spread sheet...but having it integrated inside of the site would be shhhwwweeett. EDIT: It would also help on quick 24 hour sales...lets me know what I need, what I want, and what I could actually use. Also helps preventing me from ordering stuff I don't need (aka, bought too much of it already)
  8. Stop teasing us Canadians. Another 15 cm over night.... ugh. My baby needs a nice washing.
  9. this happened with my Father. He tried glass sealant and could not understand why it did not work the same as my vehicle (we have the same vehicle, just different model). I then applied it in-front of him and he goes, "I did not let it sit that long..I removed it once it hazed" After a week it finally rained, he got back to me saying it beaded like crazy! Long story short, he too did not leave it long enough.
  10. Exactly what I do. Heck, I have had some customers Door Jambs so bad I had to clay them. Since it does not take long, I will apply some wax usually too to make the cleaning next time easier . . . especially if the door jambs were really bad before I tackled them.
  11. i love my deep clean tire brush (or whatever the old one was called). it is so solid. It feels like a tank. I hope it stays almost identical - especially the handle.
  12. probably my favorite product. this is my first winter with it. snow and frozen rain slides off with no trouble
  13. With Windows 10 coming out in the near future (summer??) I wouldn't be too worried. Hopefully 8.1 gets a free/discounted upgrade. I learned to live with 8.1. I hate and never use metro. I always use desktop version. But yes...8.1 is a pain BUT I prefer many of its features over its predecessors. Try the Dell for a bit. If you are still set on a Macbook...you could always trade up later (which means better specs vs. buying now )
  14. A parking garage. That could work. However, most of them around here are too dark and too far away. That is always a solid option I never thought of, thanks
  15. Update: My phone, not sure if due to using glass sealant or not.but, I use to use a privacy screen on my phone. Now, when I use it I see weird colored lines. With the privacy screens off the phone looks fine. Trying the screen on another phone worked as intended - crystal clear. So, may or may not be related to glass sealant but use it on t Your phone at your own risk. If I had to do it again I would put it on top of a tempered glass screen protector.
  16. Can someone make a poster with this information. It would go good on my detailing box.
  17. You can run windows either through a virtual machine, while mac osx is running. Or, boot camp. You can toggle between windows and osx on starting the ckmputer... both have advantages. You can get microsoft word for OSX, no need for Windows. Sometimes you run into programs that only work on windows and that's when parallels (it's not the only option. There are others) to run windows. Depending on needs, this might never occur. If you can get parallels for cheap, it's worth getting just incase. EDIT: To clarify, Boot Camp and Virtual Machine are two different things. Parallels is one way to run a virtual machine of windows. This is typically powerful enough for many things (I used it for photoshop fine). Boot camp option is built into OSX (the new ones atleast, not sure about old). It does not require buying parallels. In both instances, you need a copy of windows.
  18. The screen is all personal preference. Personally, I think 15 inch is the perfect size. 13 is too small for me, 17 is too big. 15 seems just right. On a 13 I find web browsing, doing research, and other stuff is cumbersome. It is just too small at times. It is manageable, but for me it was too small. I feel very comfortable with a 15. I have owned many laptops, ranging from 12-17 inch. My favorite was 15. Hope that helps! EDIT: Forgot to mention. If you go mac, look out for Mac App Bundles. They happen once every few months. This is an old one for example: https://stacksocial.com/sales/the-name-your-own-price-mac-bundle-2-0 You get a bunch of apps for a small price. When I had my Mac I went this route once. Thought I would only use 1 of the apps but ended up using quite a few. I got about 7 apps for the price of 1 and some went unused...some I used daily. Sometimes you can get a bundle that has parallels in it which is a huge plus if you need to run windows virtually. The bundle I got before had Boom in it which allows you to boost the volume of the mac. It also had a bill tracking software, word processor, and a few others. I mainly wanted it for boom and snagit (AMAZING screen capture software. I HIGHLY recommend it).
  19. Kingsford, it was not just 1 bad experience. It was a log of over 100 hours of bad experience. In doing so, I learned lots. I dealt with over 30 reps. Some were absolutely amazing, some not so much. I have personally talked to numerous people with Macs...many who had no issues have pre 2011 Macs. those with issues, have post 2011. I should clarify. It is not to the point of bending, but warping. It has been documented by many people. Force does not need to be applied. The seats are off balance. The fix? Ramping the computer up to max throttle and set on a flat surface . . . it usually bends (warps, whatever) back in place. It should be noted, my MBP at the time was used on a desk and nearly never moved. If it did, it was put into a padded case and a Thule notebook bag which were both bought from Apple. It was also determined by Apple no external force was applied to the notebook . . . what happened was a result solely of the notebook itself. Thank you for your concern. I understand companies cannot please everyone . . . but my case is not the only like it. Not in my area at least. Numerous times when I went to the Genius bar, I heard the Genius' say "This is the first time I heard of this issue" when in fact the week before they said the exact same thing to me, or others. Apple ended up investigating the store I was dealing with, not sure what happened as a result but hopefully they got improved. This is actually a really good point. This is the reason a lot of people buy iphones - since a majority of people have them, if you need help...chances are someone around you in your circle knows the solution.
  20. Hi there, So with all the rain and cruddy winter weather we get in the Maritimes, I was wondering. Has anyone tried a portable garage and had luck with it? I was blessed with having no garage but I am finding I need something to continue work while it rains. There are many days during winter, like today, where if I had a covering I could easily get my baby all shined up. I have seen some portable garages go on sale for as low as $200. Anyone have any luck with these? I do read some mixed reviews, but some reviews counter them by saying faults were due to improper set up. For those who do not know what I mean, this is one of the portable garages for example (not any imparticular one, just an example): http://www.homedepot.ca/product/simple-harnois-car-shelter-xr11-11-feet-x-20-feet/991063
  21. I am a little shocked. The misinformation here is glowing. OP, it is hard to take someone seriously who has the balls to say: Followed by Anyone who refers to a Mac as a Mac, and a PC as a PC, clearly does not know what they are talking about. You know a Mac is a PC (Personal Computer), right? Just because they can, does not mean they should. The aluminum design works against them. The case can actually bend. Because some of these macs get up to 105 degrees Celsius, they bend quite easily. Mine was one of them. This aluminum design you boast about, led to my screen hinges (which you also seem to think was a good idea) shifted and my whole screen had to be replaced. Since we are talking about lies, this one is golden: Lenovo for example, not only voluntarily recalled some of their batteries but did so regardless of warranty. HP recalled a bunch of their power cords. The difference? They usually contact their customers...Apple does not. I personally know people affected by some of Apple Recalls and they had no clue there was a recall. As for "Apple has ton of recalls and replacement programs" actually, no. People have to fight for Apple to respond. Apple acts like there is never anything wrong with their product, just like you are right now. Why do you think they cover up their updates? Simple - to make it look like their product never had any issues. When they have a SMC update for example, or security update, the old version is overidden on their site never to be found unless it is backed up on a third party site (such as a tech news site or forum). This makes it look like Apple never has issues (which they do have issues). It is one reason in my opinion people believe Apple never has issues in security - when infact, in the 1 year I owned my Mac, nearly every update address security issues . . . some of them being major (allowing for man in the middle attacks). It is fact that about 1 in 3 laptops fail, pretty much regardless of the laptop (http://www.squaretrade.com/htm/pdf/SquareTrade_laptop_reliability_1109.pdf) however it is what the company does with such failures. Apple has failed in handling failures, time and time again. There are literal thousands of posts of unsatisfied customers regarding Apple. Sure, every company has it...but Apple comes out on top with always blaming the customer. Show me proof issues have declined with Apple. From what I have seen, Apple has more issues now than they use to. That is why my Probook has a drive guard that stops the hard drive from spinning. Maybe Apple should use some better techniques. TO OP It is your decision in the end. All I can say is, research, research, research. Do not take any persons word on it without research (including my own word). As you can tell from mine and Kingsford post . . . people can have outrageously different opinions. If you take either mine or his recommendation by itself, you are not making a informed decision. If 10 people tell you one laptop is good, there is always 10 others out there that will vouch against that laptop. That makes the decision hard, but know, in the end, nearly any laptop you buy will suite your needs. Taking care of the laptop matters the most. It is like Detailing. With the exact same tools, 10 detailers can have crazy different results. Best of luck!
  22. I do not recommend you judge a macbook by how they use to be. Pre 2011 macbooks rocked. Post 2011, the build quality is terrible. Spend some time reading up on Radeongate - apple serious messed up here (http://9to5mac.com/2014/10/17/2011-macbook-pro-gpu-complaints-not-going-away-as-petition-reaches-18k-signatures/) Apple can be deceptive and this lead to potential lawsuits with switching samsung screens with lower-performing LG's (http://www.macrumors.com/2013/03/15/apple-faces-class-action-lawsuit-over-screen-ghosting-on-retina-macbook-pros/) Apple case recall (https://www.apple.com/support/macbook-bottomcase/) It is worth noting, if a recall does happen, usually it is long after people have already paid to fix the unit themselves or they no longer have the unit...they also went through in most cases many hours argueing with apple where apple blames the user (when in fact later, the recall proves otherwise). Macbook Air Flash Storage Issue (https://www.apple.com/ca/support/macbookair-flashdrive/) The above of just the tip of the ice berg. Make sure you do your research before you buy your computer...I would hate to see someone go through what I did with my Macbook.
  23. I highly recommend you get a business class laptop. Most of the recommendations here are for consumer class. The HP Probook or Elitebook is the way to go. They are built to last. I have owned many laptops. 2 Acers, a HP Pavilion, MSI, Macbook Pro, and a few others. Let me tell you, they were all crap compared to my Hp Probook. I picked up a used probook for pretty cheap. It has all the bells and whistles. It even has a drip tray incase you spill liquid onto the laptop (so there is a good chance it survives). I do not believe you need extended warranty on a laptop. If you need the warranty, it is not built to last. Buy it from costco, or use a visa if you need extra warranty. Most warranties are not worth the paper they were made on. There are so many loop holes that make it impossible to get service when you actually need it. I Macbook I ended up needed repairs on it about 7 times. It had similar issues every time. I had the extended warranty, and it did not help at all. Most extended warranties cover the basics, and do not cover any extras. If there is a remote chance you dropped the laptop, got water on it, anything out of the norm...you are not covered (under most warranties). You don't want the warranty. What you want is to make sure it is covered under your insurance. That is what will protect you the most. I had a $500 deductible on my laptop - most warranties range from $200-$400 anyways. Difference is, I was covered for everything. Theft. Disappearance. Damage due to dropping. Anything really. You have more piece of mind this way, and most people are automatically covered if they have house insurance. Just check your deductible and any terms (such as needing to let them know you own a laptop now). I would not recommend any Macbook. You are paying a huge premium and you do not even get a business class laptop. The recent Macbooks are terrible build quality. They have had numerous recalls and issues int he recent years. The quality has gone downhill and they are not worth the money anymore. When I brought my Macbook on the bus, I feared it getting damaged. When I bring my probook I am pretty fearless. The thing is a tank. You could get a used Probook or Elitebook for under $500 and it will surpass new laptops by far in terms of build quality. My probook is probably about 5 years old, it still works as new. I can do everything I need on it as it is more than powerful enough. I can do photo editing, FB, games, website design, and programming.
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