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Posts posted by Tyler

  1. This is a good question!


    I keep getting lint on my vehicle.  It's driving me nuts.  We use Adams MF cleaner and wash things separate.  I always thought if you bought a good MF towel it would last until it wore out.   If I am understanding this right, all MF will at some point start to lint, and when it does it becomes a rag? 

  2. I have three vehicles I detail on a weekly basis and touch up during the week, I know pathetic.   At the time I did not have a polisher.


    So, I am claying my E-350 van like a just ate six powdered donuts, and gripping my clay like it's my last ten dollars and I ram my little finger into Big Sexy's mirror.


    It hurt pretty good, but I am on mission to clay Big Sexy and I don't have time to nurse a pinky, so I finish claying with four fingers.


    The finger starts to swell but I don't have time for swelling, I have to get her looking good because Big Sexy is making a run to Wal-Mart the next day, and I have standards.


    Two weeks go by and my finger is still swollen and I can't move it very well, so I decide to visit my doctor who talks like Selma Hayek and has great eyes.  She walks in and I proudly present my pinky.


    I explain the blunt force trauma that happened claying Big Sexy and she looks at me like I'm touched.  I then explained what claying is, and how I rub a clump of clay on my paint, and she just looked at me like I shoved a marshmallow up my nose.


    She moves my finger around and I exercise it and she walks out and comes back in and say's I have "Jersey Finger".   I kinda freak out because we have a lot of cows in the area and I was not around any Jersey cows.   She went into a short speech with big words and I responded with "How long does that take to heal?"


    Turns out it going to take surgery and about 4,500.00 out of pocket to fix not counting therapy.  I have elected to keep my droop dog finger as it is.   On a positive side, when I drink coffee in the morning my pinking sticks out and I look like I am highfalutin.


    I have bought a polisher now. lol


    Jersey Finger Ty out.

  3. Here it is,


    Forget that offer. 


    People always talk about doing this or that, few ever do it.   


    I would recommend you consider going out on your own.  If you fail or succeed, either way you still did it.


    Work your butt off, surround yourself with successful people.  I cannot express how important it is to surround yourself with supportive people.


    Your family wants you to be happy.  They really do.  Family supports family.


    Timing will never be right.  Don't wait for it.


    Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid of not trying.


    Build a successful business and then offer to sell it to him.   :D


    FWIW, my wife and I each own separate business's that we built.   

  4. I only applied the glaze to the tailgate area, because I could not get the fine scratches out by hand with Revive.  I thought the glaze would fill/hide some of the scratches but it did not.  The glaze was CG Glossworkz.


    Last Sunday I detailed my wife's car with the same products except the glaze and Z8.  I'll try somethings out and see if it is any different. 

  5. Just did the from quarter panel with two different towels and both sprays, was a little easier but still pulled on towel actually grabbing the fibers.


    I did put on Z8 a couple days ago, but I'm thinking the sealer (not Adams) is my problem.  It must be reacting to both sprays, it has been a week so I am sure it has cured.  It did get up to 50° last week.

  6. So, I detailed my 2 year old vehicle and it looked great.  I used the following products.


    1. Claybar

    2. Revive

    3. Glaze (not Adams)

    4. Sealant (not Adams)

    5. Detail spray


    I am used to using another system all together but I am trying something new.  I have to say the truck looks better in my opinion than the old way, so I'm happy.  What I am not to happy about is the drag and dust attracting condition it has.


    When I use detail spray it just has a lot of drag or pull on the towel and has a great deal of static and collects and holds the dust.


    What do I need to do,  wax, use Adams Sealer, change detail sprays?  I'm not sure what to do at this point, but something needs to change.

  7. I bought the glaze, old machine sealer, and waiting on wax. Ill have to see the results before I can say Im sold. I don't expect it "oh my god what a difference" but I do expect the same high quality results or even a little better then what I get from Zanio. 

    Coming from Zaino also, I would love to hear what your opinion.   Honest opinions foster positive change.   I'm not a brand loyal guy, on anything from cars to tools, what I am is a results/quality oriented, associated with a fair value.


    Z got to a price vs value point that I decided to try new options, and I'm glad I did, I've certainly learned a great deal and surprised myself with how well some products worked.


    Send me a message when you post your opinion, I really want to know. 

  8. I like to read reviews on products just to see what others might think.   Generally I am more likely to trust the validity of the reviews if I see a few unhappy ones.


    I bought some items from another detailing site that had glowing reviews.  However, I did not find them all that impressive.  The site asked me to review the products I had bought and I did.  Weeks have gone by, and I have not seen the less than stellar review I posted.


    Do you think companies want honest feedback to improve or just glowing reviews to generate more cash?

  9. I was also nothing but a Z guy but I got tired of the price, & mixing.  I was all set to order more Z and my wife challenged me to try something else, then I found Adams last month or so.


    Out came the credit card and I tried about 200.00 worth of stuff.  Did I think all of it was the best I have ever used, no.  I did have a few items that I was very impressed with and will continue to use.


    No company makes all of the best products all of the time.  Z6 and Z8 are still number 1 detail sprays but the Adams detail spray and towel was just fantastic to the vehicles with.


    Adams has #1 customer service.  I've not experienced better.  Try something different, besides you like shining the vehicle anyway.  :)

  10. I've been using a double edge for about three years now and I will never go back.  My skin has improved so much.


    It took me about 1.5 years to get the right combination of razor, blade, creme, brush & ritual but I found it and now I like shaving. 


    Both of my boys now use a double edge and now my brother in law is doing it.  You can literally put in a new blade everyday and still come out cheap.


    If you want to learn from the pro's go to badger and blade. 


    I use Feather blades, Edwin 85 razor, Mitchell's Wool Fat soap, Truefitt & Hill brush, and Art of Shaving aftershave.    


    Remember, shaving is about beard reduction not elimination and you will do well.



  11. I really don't care for the Hemi sticker on my hood mainly due to the color, so I want to remove it.


    As of right now, I plan on using the heat gun very carefully.  Do you guys see any issues or problems with removing it?


    I don't have a polisher yet and I wondered how difficult it will be to make the hood look like it was never there.


    The truck is 2 years old, and I don't know if paint fading will be a issue.


    What do you think?



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