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The Guz

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Posts posted by The Guz

  1. You could apply the coating over PPF without any issues. It will increase the hydrophobics and make the PPF even easier to clean.  With regards to the dealer applied product, you could try a strip wash and see if that removes it.  If it were me I would go around the car with a polish and then proceed to the coating.  You will not be removing that much clear doing this.  

  2. Sure you can use it over that.  Don't expect the spray coating to last long as that rupes product is an all in one that leaves its own protection behind.  If you want to maximize the performance of the spray coating then you would use a polish, panel wipe and coat. 


    Also on other forums users have been chiming in that rupes advanced is not making it anywhere near that up to 12 months claims.  Well technically it is because "up to" is the key words.

  3. On 1/23/2023 at 2:42 PM, mpride63 said:

    I have a 2022 Camaro with the black hood wrap.  I never liked the wrap so I removed it.  Unfortunately, It had some type of glue laid down on the hood.  I researched this and found this to be a normal occurrence when others remove their hood wrap.  However, most people found a couple of round sport of the glue. I found a couple of round spots along with a large percentage of my hood being smeared with the glue.


    The most recommended solution I found through research was to use Goo Gone. This will remove some of the glue but where its heavy it doesn't seem to work that well. I have also clayed it and polished it. The polish does remove some of the glue but it will take me weeks of hand polishing to remove it and I'm not sure this is the preferred method of removal.


    My questions are below:

    1. Is polishing the correct way to remove this glue?

    2. If polishing is the way to go should I purchase one of the electric polishers?

    3. If I polish the glue off do I run the risk of cutting off too much of the clear coat surrounding the glue?

    4. Will Goo Gone hurt the paint if I leave it on there for a few hours to try and cut through some of the glue?

    5. Are there any other suggestions as how best to go about this?


    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.


    Goo Gone will not hurt the paint.  I have removed adhesive from vinyl many times with it.  Give it a little bit of dwell time to break down the adhesive to remove it.  No need ot leave it on for a few hours.  3M also makes another good adhesive remover.  


    You could also get some plastic razor blades which are safe. Just don't jab it into the paint to inflict deep scratches.  

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