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Everything posted by stripesace

  1. I did a bucket 'o towel method rinseless wash on my wife's highlander and that areas was the last thing I did.I used a "utility" towel and then threw it away.
  2. I don't pretend to know how the reviews work on the website, if you really feel like you've got a product that isn't meeting your needs then have you tried this route? https://adamspolishes.com/refunds-returns-exchanges I can't help you with the review, but you've got a product that's got a problem and I and several others have tried steering you towards an avenue of getting the product corrected, but you're still seemingly hung up on the review?
  3. I assure you they will not view their time as wasted and knowing Adam and customer service would really ENJOY helping you get the problem rectified. In the future a call or email to customer service will net you a much faster response to an issue than submitting a review on the website.
  4. "I'm going to need a bigger bottle of Metal Polish #1"
  5. While Total Interior Detailer has some cleaners in it, I would initially start with some Leather & Interior Cleaner sprayed into a edgeless gray microfiber. If that doesn't get it (and I'll be shocked if it doesn't) then you could spray lightly directly onto the seat and with the dry side of the towel see if that doesn't get it. Like Adam demonstrates in the video, if push comes to shove, you can spray onto the seat and use the cockpit brush. I've never NOT gotten some light transfer from blue jeans with the first step. Once you've gotten it clean and the seats been wiped dry, follow up with some Leather Conditioner on a red interior applicator pad. You can stay on top of it with some leather conditioner regularly, since it also has some additional cleaners in it. I however, opt to use Total Interior Detailer since it offers UV protection like Leather Conditioner, and I don't find it strips the conditioner off of the seat. I'm on track right now to do a good clean and condition of my leather and interior surfaces about once a quarter.
  6. TRUE! Except its not just from the normal holiday season but a very complicated pregnancy my wife and I had. The next person is looking at the sales chemical page and asking if they REALLY need what they're adding to the their cart, but adding it anyway.
  7. True.. I'll probably be up that late. Usually am when I'm home alone. the next person despises neighbors that shoot fireworks... (this may make me un-American, I dunno...)
  8. How did I miss this while researching the Rupes line.... Notes updated. Thanks Dan
  9. Not to sound like a pitch man but I find myself using wipers less, and less aggressive when I do by keeping the windshield glass clean and a fairly regular coat of Glass Sealant on there. Hopefully that means my investment in Bosh Icons lasts me longer.
  10. Negative. Sealants suggested speed is actually 2 if I remember correctly from the video but 1 I'm sure is just as effective. Remember, the machine is just supposed to help spread it evenly.
  11. The only Dymo's I'll use are RhinoTM Industrial 6000
  12. Similar to Dan. This is way more secure than a sharpie. Sharpies are good but they're not 100% permenant. Besides, If I ever decide to create a special batch, I can just peel this label off, and reprint a new one for 1:2, 1:4, 1:16, whatever, which is possible given all my 32oz dilution bottles are coming in tomorrow For the OCD crowd, I'm hoping to one day have all my bottles with the red stripe and not the chrome stripe....
  13. I'll take a picture of my solution this problem when I get home tonight.
  14. True. I'm ready put 2916 behind me too The next person's New Year's Eve plans are spending some time in the garage.
  15. Welcome! I'm not too far away from you at the moment visiting my wife's family.
  16. Bosch Icon. The way hey hug the windshield it's amazing!
  17. False. Still laying in bed wit our 3 week old asking myself how am I going to get anything done when I go home tomorrow and my wife is staying with my in laws for the help.... The next person just got done staring at their cart for a few minutes making sure it was perfect, but decided to come stroll the forums while they thought about it before clicking order.
  18. I tend to agree Bruce. Maybe Dan or someone will see that suggestion. Looking forward to seeing how this holds up. Somehow my wife manages to get a car dirtier than anyone I know.
  19. My beef with the wash pads has always been the clean up afterwards. The red wash wedge cleans up MUCH easier and more quickly than the wash pads do. If only there was a separate color one could order for use on the lower portions of the vehicle, it would probably become my only wash medium.
  20. I've always been opposed to shiney tires. I really enjoy that "natural" black rubber look of tires. Of all the videos and photos I've seen of tires with Tire Shine I always felt like there was too shine (GASP!) for my taste on the tire. Well, a few mystery boxes ago, I got a bottle of tire shine and have tried like hades to trade it out for something. VRT has been my tire dressing of choice. Well last night I decided that my wife's Highlander would be a perfect candidate to try it out on. She won't notice and she likes shiny things. So I finally cracked the seal on the bottle and that smell.... oh that glorious sweet banana pudding flavored smell literally made my mouth water. I dropped its sprayer in the bottle got it tightened down and primed it into a fresh foam block applicator. I opted to use the stream setting on the sprayer after the first tire because well... I made a mess of the wheel. I wish I had taken the time to cut out a wheel cover per TheWolf. Once I got that part figured out, the rest was much cleaner application. I applied several sprays moving the stream in crescent shapes to make sure it was evenly spread around the tire. I then took a foam block applicator and made one trip around the tire to knock it down and spread it before it started drying. I immediately went back and was more methodical in my spreading of the product, making sure it got into all of the grooves on the tire. TIP: I take the corner of the foam block applicator and wedged it behind the Chrometec wheel cover to make sure that every crevice of the tire is getting some product. Here's the photos, you be the judge but I was pleasantly surprised at the finish this morning when I backed it out into the driveway / sunlight. Not too shiny, just.... right.I attribute the more natural/matte finish to the amount of passes the foam block made over the tire. Maybe its just in my head? You do what you want, but VRT will no longer be my first choice for tires. Adding a gallon of Tire Shine to my next order. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Wheels were sprayed using the stream setting with 1:1 Deep Wheel Cleaner and agitated with the Adam's Wheel Brush. Tire's coated with straight All Purpose Cleaner and scrubbed well with the Adam's Tire Brush. After all was done, I took a wheel towel, with a spritz of detail spray and wiped down the chromatech wheels for a little extra pop.
  21. I've only used Deep Wheel Cleaner at full strength once. Most of my gallon still exists because I only use it 8oz at a time with 1:1. My wheels don't turn colors much but I still have not found a better solution to getting my wheels bright and shiny than DWC, even with it cut 1:1. 1 car has painted wheels the other is that Chromtec stuff everyone is using these days. As per the Daily Driver video I have used APC on my wheels in a pinch but I believe Adam hosed his wheels down first as to dilute the APC as he applies it to the wheels.
  22. A few weeks ago, black friday maybe? I picked up a Red Wash Wedge/Shampoo/GWDT Combo. Weather and life's schedule (new baby...) has been counter intuitive to trying it out until tonight. Right at sunset (4:50) it was a nice and balmy 79* and my wife's highlander is the official vehicle of holiday transportation so I decided that we (and by we, I mean I...) COULD NOT show up to family's house in a vehicle that looked like it had gone 2 weeks without a wash and detail. And there it was teasing me from my wash pad tote on the top shelf... the Red Wash Wedge... I had half the mind to use just the red wash wedge but I decided I couldn't risk the rocker panels with it, so threw a wash pad in the soap bucket. I loaded the channels up with some soap and and dropped it in the bucket and created a bucket o suds. Foamed the highlander down with my Adam's foam gun, and while standing on my new work platforms started at the roof. Initial thoughts: "Don't press down on this... you're not trying to scrub!" "my oh my this feels much easier than the wash pads." "Oh look, squeeze and you get more suds...." "wow this thing is light." "I love this grip" Over all I felt like the wash wedge provided me an 'easier' and more pleasurable wash experience. When I switched over to the wash pad for the lower portions of the panels, and the front of the vehicle, the wash pad picked up little shards of foam from my rinse bucket. I didn't see any missing pieces on the wedge so it's probably just some left overs from the cutting process. Overall I have to recommend the Red Wash Wedge as a great alternative to the synthetic wash pads. If for some reason you're adverse to the wash pads, or just looking for something different, you can't go wrong with it. You all know what my Highlander looks like after a fresh wash (http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/29341-first-engine-detail/) so you'll have to trust it came out looking just as well. I lost the race to sunset so I had to pull'er into the garage for the drying, trim, and tires. I'll have a write up about the tires tomorrow maybe since I used a new to me product, that I can't wait to see how they look in daylight.
  23. There is already a dry application method addressed for H2O G&G. Soak a towel, spray the product on the towel, apply to panel, buff with a dry towel. There's a hybrid approach I am going to attempt the next time my vehicle gets a fresh coat of sealer, and thats a spray bottle with distilled water, SOAK a panel, and then apply H2O as you would with a wet car. Having done both the Dry and Wet applications, the wet is much quicker. Both are effective.
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