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Posts posted by James__

  1. Speaking of outdoor paint correction...


    Back home, my garage is filled on one side with tool boxes, work benches, and a variety of other fixed/hard to move objects. The other side is currently occupied by a race truck that does not currently have a motor in it. Regardless, I'm pretty sure that my truck will no longer fit under the garage door and even if it does, it is too long to get the garage door to close... All this being said, does anyone know of any tall canopies that would be able to go over my truck and for a fair price? I know it wouldn't be able to cover the entire truck but I would have no problem moving it to the areas I am working on during a paint correction when I get to it in a few weeks. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. I have two great white drying towels that I regularly use to dry off my car. They are not brand new, but they aren't that old either.  Lately I've noticed how rough these towels feel and how quickly they lost their plushness.  The towels are always washed after each use using only microfiber revitalizer in warm water and dried on extra low heat for approximately 40 minutes.  Lately I have been afraid to use the towels because I'm starting to notice swirl marks and scratching in the direction that I wipe the car down to dry it.  I've switched over to using an Uber Super Drying microfiber towel from detailers domain and have had good results with that.  Is there anything that I could possibly be doing wrong in caring for these towels to cause them to become rough to the touch?  I don't want to put these in the bin of towels that are designated for door jambs and wheels.  The car is also misted with detail spray after rinsing down to provide further lubrication while drying.  


    I would caution against posting specifics about competitors products or reviews of them as this goes against the community rules for Adam's Forums. 


    As far as drying the towels, it is best to wring them out after washing and allow them to air dry in a clean environment rather than using the dryer.  The heat is not particularly good for the towels and the reason they are not as effective could be from them picking up media from other wash loads that is left behind in the dryer.

  3. What would you recommend to clean this grill? The best I have found so far is a MF glove. However, it doesn't get into the corners of each opening. I considered a small wheel woolie, but not sure they are small enough, not to mention they aren't cheap.


    Check out Dan's post linked below.  All you could possibly need to know about cleaning your grille!



  4. ^Right. When washing in direct sunlight with strong cleaners, it is best to focus on one area at a time to avoid the chemicals drying on the surface. Do one wheel at a time to avoid giving time to dry.


    Your question about sealing after cleaning... After using the APC on your wheels, it will strip any protection you have on the wheels. It is best to apply a sealant to your wheels after cleaning, just as you would on any other surface on the vehicle. This will protect the wheels as well as make future cleaning easier.

  5. Thanks to all for the warm welcome, I woke up early to beat this rainy Florida weekend, and used all my new stuff I just ordered from Adam's.  Very impressed with the glass sealant.  If anyone has any suggestions on good topics to look at I would love to know.




    To start out, I would recommend reading through the threads in the Detailing Library section linked below.  That will give you a great base of information and will help to understand other things you may read on the forum.  Even coming from several years of detailing my own vehicles, I learned plenty from reading these.  They are locked from comments so none of them are long reads. 




    Also, I highly recommend going to the Adam's Polishes YouTube channel and watching their videos, they are a GREAT resource and provide a lot of information, tips and tricks, how to's, and product info.


    After that, just pleasure read through the forum and use the search function to find threads that you may find helpful/interesting/entertaining.  I recommend reading the Detailing Write Ups and seeing the results other members have achieved and the processes they have employed in their detailing regimes.


    Dan 'TheWolf' has an incredible full write up that is constanly being updated that spans from his details to his setups.  Definitely a must read! Link for it is below  :) .




    Very nice Challenger by the way!

  6. They make a heavier duty bottle already for spray products in a 32oz size ;)


    I just want the nalgene bottles in 16oz for the cream products still offered in 16oz, and as an empty bottle option. I can transfer my own labels hehe

    Or offer the Nalgene bottles this way with a pull top so they are pre labeled



  7. I highly recommend reading the thread I have linked below. But, the short answers to your questions are as follows:


    Dilutions are mixtures of product with distilled water used to lessen the potency of a product which allows for a more gentle use or increased number of uses (depending on the product). On page 5 of the thread linked below, I have attached a cheat sheet that should really help you achieving some proper dilutions as well as a list of popular dilutions and their uses! If you still have any questions, just ask!



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