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Everything posted by 98BlackSierra

  1. Welcome!! Nice choice with the SRT!! Absolutely love them
  2. Pumpkin Spice Detail Spray was the first Adam's product for me too last year. Welcome!
  3. That's one of the cars on my bucket list. Couldn't have picked a better color man, beautiful! Welcome aboard.
  4. Don't forget to invest in some of the microfibers. Welcome aboard!!
  5. Welcome to the site. The engine cover looks awesome!
  6. Welcome aboard!! The MB is the perfect way to start your Adams obsession
  7. Any before and after photos? I'm curious to see how it worked for ya.
  8. What process did you use and what products? Love the quad in the background
  9. This is kind of unrelated to the detail I did on the bike, but I didn't want to open another thread just to ask a question. I'm about ready to detail the g/f's Impala SS, just waiting for my pole barn to be finished so I can take my time. Obviously, I'm using Adam's Car Shampoo and Wash Pad, but after I clay it with my Big Blue Clay bar, what would you guys recommend? I was going to use Adam's Revive, and then H20 Guard & Gloss or the Butter Wax. Does that sound right to you guys or should I go a different route?
  10. Hopefully soon, I'm just about having withdrawals over here lol.
  11. Welcome to the site Tyler and glad you made it out of the wreck ok. Good luck on the road to recovery. My first order from Adam's was the Pumpkin Spice Detail Spray and I have to say its made me a customer for life. I've spent hundreds here since and I'm sure it will be in the thousands soon enough. I've never loved detailing as much as I do when I use Adam's. Again, welcome!!
  12. Congrats on the new truck. I have the same exact one, but in the double cab configuration. I've never owned any vehicle but black, pain in the butt to keep clean but it sure looks good when its cleaned up.
  13. Actually I sprayed detail spray on the chrome and it brought out the shine fairly well.
  14. My buddy is selling his bike so he called me over to detail it before he threw it on Craigslist. The paint on my bike is flawless so he must have noticed lol. His bike maybe gets washed once a month or so and that's just a wipe down. His reaction was priceless. I used : HD motorcycle soap Rain X bug degreaser Adams Big Blue clay bar Adams Pumpkin Spice detail spray Adams Butter Wax
  15. Welcome aboard. Addicted would be the perfect description, I am on here every day and am always buying something else.
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