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Everything posted by ocdrifter

  1. That would look sweet in the surgical center, great idea Scott!
  2. Baahahahahhah thank goodness I did a full correction that day, or I would have been crying.
  3. The mystery boxes usually happen once a month sometime two times, here is a schedule that Chris has posted, it's for fun and quite a guessing game. My advice to all is to have fun, it's a gamble you never know what you're going to get and if you don't like to gamble stay out of the casino. Pay attention, it think they will drop today or tomorrow, also if you can grab a couple for some better chances and if there is a specific item you need or want make sure to order it, that way you won't be dissapointed. Good Luck! Here's the June 2016-June 2017 history, along with my prediction of the next release... MBP: 7/14/2017 6/26/2017 (Lmtd Ed. Bucket) 6/7/2017 (w/ bucket) 5/12/2017 (w/ bucket) 4/20/2017 (w/ bucket) 4/6/2017 3/9/2017 2/13/2017 1/27/2017 1/9/2017 12/17/2016 (Cost $49.99) 11/28/2016 (Cyber Mon) 11/10/2016 10/25/2016 10/6/2016 9/14/2016 8/19/2016 7/28/2016 (eBay MB) 7/27/2016 7/12/2016 6/16/2016 6/3/2016
  4. Lol you bet I did, it was my first time using the adams clay there were no edges or any warnings on the clay, it was a complete fail on my part lol.
  5. Yes it's normal, it's to help you control the glove while your hand is in there.
  6. Pictures are cool Jeff keep them coming!
  7. Hi Jeff as you get older, you should know it all by then. I know I do lol, welcome to the forum. Go check out the how to videos, they show lots of great information!
  8. No duhhhh, it's not LOL, just trying to poke a little fun!
  9. Duuuhhhhhh, be nice or don't play at all and pay close attention because it's obvious that Kevin was talking about his master blaster for drying the vehicle...the clue is it's the last word he used "BLASTER" duuhhhhh!
  10. Hello my friend hello, I'm just curious did you take the plastic clear wrapper off the clay bar? The only reason I asked I did it last week, I scrubbed and scrubbed and almost threw the clay away until I realized that the clay had a wrapper on it. This did not damage my GM windshield or paint lol. I would try hand polishing your window by hand first you can use adams brilliant or buttery, to check and see if you really have damage to your windows, this will remove any kind of residue that may be on the windshield. Do not use any kind of razor blades on the glass because any type of incorrect position could damage the glass. You could also try steel wool number #0000 four zeros is ok to use on glass and won't damage or create damage. This will remove any air Bourne impurities from the glass. It is possible your clay could have picked up debri and cause damage and if this is the case, don't even bother trying to polish the glass with a drill or buffer, it won't work. The only thing left to do would be is to replace your two month old glas and hopefully it doesn't come to this.
  11. I use the pay and spray exactly how the Wolf said it should be, I bring my two buckets with me and five gloves, I keep changing gloves as I wash the truck to avoid contamination and also learned to wash the truck with one hand and spray with the other at the same time!
  12. I saw this item on the site since last Saturday it was sneaky sneaky lol!
  13. Welcome to the forum Roger, in a few days mystery boxes should drop soon and it's a great way to get surprises if you like to gamble but if you don't, stay out of the casino! LOL
  14. Remember when you told me I was crazy for brushing my mitts...welcome to the club! To avoid this issue I use one mitt for the bottom of the car and another mitt for the rest of the car.
  15. That's good to know, I'm gonna have to get me some, I was just wondering about this mitt the other day.
  16. What a great brother you are Greg, job well done, keep us posted on the xmas gift? Lol
  17. Hurry, take a day of from work and finish this!
  18. Welcome to the forums, be prepared for some great enhancement products!
  19. Welcome, to the forums, go check out the adams videos section, there you can learn a lot about some great products!
  20. No chris, were counting you out, listen to the boy above, ^^^ he's onto something! :bonkers:
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