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Everything posted by falcaineer

  1. Sounds like a good reason (excuse?!) to buy another for you...
  2. Someone's gonna have a great Father's Day!
  3. A little hard to explain all in one repsonse, so I reommend you check out the videos to get a demo. Lots more on YouTube, too. Just do a search for "Adam's <insert process/product>".
  4. Compound is more a lot more abrasive than polish. But the pads also matter, as MF pads will cut more than foam. Adam's pads are color coded between polish/Compound and pad. Another general rule is start with least aggressive method first, so that means Finishing Polish, Correcting Polish, then Heavy Correcting Compound if all three are available. For your situation, it sounds like you can skip the FP and go straight to the CP with orange foam pad. Test in a 2x2 area to see the results, then move up, down, or on with correction depending on results. For order, general rule is most durable first, then layer. For what you outlined, that would be polish first (this doesn't offer protection unless 1-Step, just correction), selant, wax, then glaze. You can swap the last two for your own desired results. Read this for more info:
  5. Sounds like @shane@detailedreflections has you covered. Sorry for making any bad assumptions. But given what he explained and my level of skill/experience, my "right direction" is still right out the door! Best of luck if you do decide to tackle this, though. And if so, take some pics and post them here. Would love to see the results.
  6. Yeah, sorry that didn't work out. Maybe another time. Good luck finishing up HS...hit 'em straight!
  7. I grew up in WV, and remembered from an earlier post of yours or PM with you that you were from up that way. I actually almost went to Wheeling Jesuit (but went to the AF Academy). That's a great school!
  8. Enjoy it now. Been golfing for years and still have some trouble finding that little white bane of my existence.
  9. That's awesome! And this forum is about to get a lot more crowded.
  10. Sorry, @Traizer found it already. But you can now find out what the item is when I get the details posted.
  11. Thanks, thought it could be fun. Ironically enough, the Food Thread started out of a dicussion between the OP @ocdrifter and me. He referenced it in the first posting. Good guess...and good eye. But I think that's actually a yard flag from the lawn company that does work in our neighborhood.
  12. Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!!! Good eye, Trevor. I'll PM you. Post found here: And now to post the details...link forthcoming.
  13. So, I've given it "some" time now and surprisingly, no one has seemed to notice. Let's try it this way - there's an Easter Egg in a post of mine. Might've been today, might've been months ago. But it's there. It could be typed, it could be a picture, it could be embedded in a response, linked, or something else...but it hasn't been called out. At least not as of the creation of this thread. First person to find it and post the link here to the specific post will get a small Adam's surprise sent their way, just because. And then everyone will get brought in on the details... Happy Hunting!!!
  14. Nope. But if you aren't happy, you can always return it under their 110% guarantee. But I get you'll be happy!
  15. 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%
  16. WOW! Please tell me they're Rinseless/Waterless????
  17. Highly recommend the Adam's tire brush. I wasn't using it early on and once I swapped, wow! And like Shane said, it can take a few passes. Then get some VRT or, for longer lasting protection you can still knock down the shine if wanted, Tire Shine.
  18. Don't forget about me, Austin...I'm just an hour south! Now, back to welcome messages for Bryan!!!
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