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Posts posted by falcaineer

  1. HGG will give you a longer lasting protection, albeit with less "wow" factor than the BG. It does still give a pretty sweet shine, though. We have a dark grey Xterra, and it pops with the HGG. It's also easy to apply, especially since you don't need to dry the car first. Plus, it smells awesome! Another thought is add BG on top of the HGG when you really want to show off...otherwise, HGG by itself is great. One of my favorites. Now, man up!!!

  2. Also on a episode of Bitchin Rides, When Kevin locks the one guy in the trunk of the car, he was squirting him through the back seat access with Adams detail spray.



    You sure that wasn't The Hangover?!

  3. It really doesn't take much apc to create strip wash. Just two or three oz in with the car wash soap will do it. It's kinder on your plastic trim than Dawn, too.

    Thanks for the additional info, Roger. I didn't know how much it would take.


    mh, it's your call. At 2-3 oz of only one 16 oz bottle, I'd still be concerned it would get used up a little too fast. I'm Also assuming you will use it for the tires, too, since no TRC is listed. To counter the Dawn's potential affects, I use VRT to recondition the trim.

  4. Agreed with not needing to dry before claying. You don't have to wipe the clay residue off, but you certainly can. And ditto for using the HGG on glass (not PS!).


    One tip/clarification on step 2, though...do you mean a strip wash? If not, and since I don't see SW on your (impressive!) purchase list, I recommend you use 2-3 oz of blue Dawn detergent in gallon or two of water to do the first wash. It'll remove any leftover products the dealer may have applied and give a naked surface to start with. The wash you may or may not do later in the process can use normal CS.


    Have fun! Looking forward to pics.

  5. Comments above likely answered your question.


    But I did want to offer two quick thoughts...


    - If you want to save a little more time on Day 1, I don't think you really need to do a second strip wash after the clay. You can just wipe it off with a single or double soft.

    - On the other hand, you will want to remove any hand polish residue prior to PS with a little more effort to get the oils off. A 50/50 isopropyl alcohol wipe down with the blue waffle towel works great, as would another strip wash.


    Good luck!

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