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Captain Slow

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Everything posted by Captain Slow

  1. A new (to you) home. Congratulations. You get to break in every room...if you know what I mean. ???? Clorox/Lysol EVERYTHING! Never know if previous owners were the poopoo, no hand washy types.???? Paint before moving in. Trust all of us on that. It is so much easier than painting later. When we moved into our current house we took a week off from work and moved one room a day. It was less stressful and we got the room set up eliminating looking in boxes for stuff. When we returned to work we were all moved in.
  2. I Rinseless Washed the SS. Dodged a pop up downpour yesterday beating it home by 10 minutes.
  3. Yes it did. The remainder of the storms just rumbled and rained, at least where I was in Illinois.
  4. I nervously watched a thunderstorm roll in. Fortunately the hail corridor was to the north of my office. Unfortunately it was right over my house! Neighbor said a lot of quarter sized hail came down. Now we have a severe thunderstorm watch until 9 PM. Praying we don't get big hail.
  5. I Rinseless Washed the wife's Beast then Rinseless Washed mom's Toyota Corolla. Mom's Corolla also got a competitors spray wax before I sent her on her way.
  6. I Rinseless Washed the SS. Adam's Detail Spray was used as a drying aid on paint and wheels. Found some SVRT in the basement and rubbed some on the weatherstripping and tires. The wife's Beast gets some love tomorrow. It needs it! Plus she was gave me the evil eye while I was rubbing on the SS in the garage.
  7. Welcome Paul from another Paul. This Paul drives an Australian car.
  8. Yoshi, congratulations! What a way to welcome the little guy into the world. Here's to a long healthy prosperous life to your son. Cheers!
  9. I cleaned my summer wheels/tires with Adam's Deep Wheel Cleaner and Tire & Rubber Cleaner. They've been coated with a competitors wheel and tire coatings. Unfortunately my left hand nitrile glove tore while cleaning tire #3, so now my hand stinks of wheel Cleaner. P. U. I'm making the switch back to summers by the weekend. I want to save the winter tires for cold weather.
  10. Watched a coworker writhe in pain in our lobby from a sudden onset of kidney stones. Our HR head drove her to the ER where she was admitted due to the size of the stones. She declined an ambulance ride with much cursing.
  11. I dug out the Briliant Glaze from the basement and loved me some SS. After the wife returns from running errands her Beast will get a bath. Right now the Durango R/T if covered in salt and road grime.
  12. I Rinseless Washed the SS. When I cleaned the exhaust tips I remembered I hadn't put anything on them so I treated them to some wheel coating. I did that on my ATS4 and it kept them real easy to clean.
  13. I know the blue soap is new and improved, but I love me some red Car Shampoo!
  14. The family and I went to one of my favorite places for scones and coffee, the WeatherTech factory store. Bill came to just under $200.
  15. I swapped out the summer wheels/tires for a set of winter wheels/tires. They were coated with a competitors wheel coating before installation. The Brembo brake calipers were also cleaned and coated while the wheels were off.
  16. I Rinseless Washed the SS then wiped it down with H2O Guard n Gloss.
  17. The new SS came with all boxes checked and only two pedals for me to enjoy. The only options are full size spare and sunroof, got 'em both. The dealer respected my wishes and did nothing to the vehicle but take out transport blocks on the front springs. I just could not pass up the 20% off GM is offering on the SS until March 13. After I got home and grabbed a quick bite I rinseless washed it after presoaking then rinsing it twice using my pressure washer. I then gently dried her off and set to claying the vehicle. I used Adams clay and Detail Spray. The paint was in remarkable condition but will get corrected come spring. For now it got a coat of Quick Sealant on the paint and a competitors glass coating on all windows. Tomorrow the wheels are getting pulled off, cleaned, coated and remounted. This week I will also get a set of winter tires and wheels for her. Thank you all for the comments and questions. Now for an adult beverage and some rest.
  18. Almost got the dark grey but my wife and daughters reminded me that I said the SS looks best in black.
  19. Waiting for them to remove suspension shipping blocks and to transfer plates. Pic to follow shortly.
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