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Everything posted by Nordgrey

  1. You did that with hand applicator polishing? :bow: Are your arms ready to fall off?
  2. I just give the applicators a good shot of APC and then rinse them under running water. They have cleaned up great for me. As for the towels, I clean them like the Junkman suggests in his thread, so long as it cleans up well it goes back on the pile to be used next time. Never really thought about seperating them by use. Clean is clean to my thinking. If I screw up and get grease on them or something, they become engine bay towels.
  3. Ahhh cool, I was planning a road trip to the States this year, been almost five years, time to get back. Was going to head to some of the Civil War battle fields, turns out you can almost hit Carlisle with a rock from Gettysburg. Maybe I will set up the trip for that time of the summer.
  4. Another bonus for the US! To get the 3M stuff here? I think it would be easier to get a permit to carry a concealed hand gun in Canada (IMPOSSIBLE), than find the 3M remover.
  5. Yeah, but you are also a bad weather magnet. The rest of us can get glasses or Lasic..........
  6. First of all, thanks to who ever revived this thread. The cars are amazing! Pretty sure that car is the 40 Merc that they did on Chop Cut Rebuild. Amazing car.
  7. The trick was getting it up the stairs.
  8. No, I meant on Youtube. Vid 1 had 41 views, vid 2 had 44.....yer Camaro buddys were skipping to the end! LOL
  9. Great vids Ryan! I'm a bit confused that video 2 has more views than one......... LOL Will keep that system in mind. Cheers!
  10. Hmmmmm, Marine now computers......... AND detailing..... Junkman junior?
  11. Let's do a retrospective......LMAO! 40 odd years ago, and yeah it ran! About ten years later Jump ahead about 20 years. Deploying the towed array sonar. I'm the guy in the middle. And now, just about the only picture of me ever taken that I like.....LOL
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