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Everything posted by b_pappy

  1. Some dealers may still have the old tape in stock also. Bruce
  2. Wow, I'm so sad it hurts. That's a beautiful car, and Tracy already caught me looking at the pictures. Best of luck with sale, and getting the kids all great educations! Bruce
  3. Hah, I just finished having this conversation with a guy who owns a black Corvette. I asked him if he was using shoe polish or what? As we talked I think he will change his ways now. Bruce
  4. Yep, maybe check dealers to see if they have stock on those items. Bruce
  5. Looks like the plate reads "Make 'em Shine", so he may be a detailer. Bruce
  6. Yep, all good advice, and really, use the Quick Sealant on them too. It just adds extra pop & great protection. Bruce
  7. Beautiful truck, congrats. Bruce
  8. The Rainsoft sytem is probably a tradional water softener, trades minerals for sodium. Not the best for washing your car with. Make sure you have a good RO system too before drinking the water. Bruce
  9. I probably missed the celebration, but hope you had a happy 30! Bruce
  10. Not sure about golf gloves, but I use our leather products (cleaner and conditioner) on my motorcycle gloves, jacket, boots, my wife's leather teddy, etc. Bruce
  11. You remeber correctly, there was discussion, and it was in the works. I don't know for sure, but the project could have been dropped when they dropped some of the accessories. I'm sure someone will answer definitively on Monday. Bruce
  12. Great car, and nice write up. Congrats on both. Bruce
  13. The Cyclo is really tough to beat. I have sold, and still own PC, Flex, and Cyclo. The Cyclo is something you can leave to your kids, mine was built in 1959 and still runs strong. Plus the Cyclo has other attachments to let you clean the car carpets, etc. It's just a really nice machine all the way around. Bruce
  14. I was just looking at a CTS V wagon with 3000 miles (GM program car) for that kind of money. Practically new, and very nice. That would get my vote. Bruce
  15. I get that some people just like to hand wax and polish, but the Cyclo is really hard to beat. What's not to like about better results, faster. I still do a final wipe and inspection by hand, but I let machine do the hard part. And I still have to take Aleve. Bruce
  16. Daily maintenance before work is a problem. Rinseless Wash would be ideal if you have the time. At 6:00 am I'm willing to accept dust on my truck. By the way, welcome to our forum. Bruce
  17. Or the backing plate for drill motors. Just need to be careful so you don't do any damage using the drill, but you can get great results.
  18. Heading out to look at a CTS-V wagon for the wife. Would mean selling the TBSS and the XLR, so we'll see. Guess I haven't done it yet, but too excited to wait... (Hint: two very clean vehicles may be going up for sale) UPDATED>>> The CTS was very nice. leaning towards the silver one. It will be the wifes primary car, so she gets heavy influence on decision. 90 degrees out today, cruised there top down, thinking "do I really want to do this?" Salesman basically echoed my sentiment, thought both were cool cars. Anyhow, I left them with some numbers. Bruce
  19. ebay, backyards, garages, friends. Just keep your eyes and ears open. Happy hunting. I love the classics. Bruce
  20. Nope, only the mini tub is being discontinued, and is currently on sale. http://www.adamspolishes.com/p-760-adams-mini-americana-premium-carnauba-paste-wax.aspx Welcome back from hibernation too. Bruce
  21. Randy is a great guy to deal with, and congrats on your purchases.
  22. Yeah, I love them and stocked up. You ever get up to the Valley? Call or email. Bruce (sorry I am late in replying, had a club meeting last night)
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