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Everything posted by Holder

  1. Oh, nevermind. I need to learn how to read.
  2. Welcome. What part of Kansas? I'm in Wichita.
  3. I just accidentally spill some in the trunk every once in awhile.
  4. A local shop picked up this awesome new pick up truck. Gave it a lift kit and new wheels and tires. They asked my brother and I to clean it up and get her ready for this weeks show.
  5. Washed the TBSS and made this impala SS looks flawless. Sorry for the blurry picture.
  6. This is one of those cars that keeps a smile on your face the entire time you work on it. Through all the sweat and hot sun, I never once had that "I just want to be done with this car feeling".
  7. Had the pleasure of spending my day with this beautiful machine. It was fully restored about 2 years ago and gets driven a ton and almost always with the top down. At first glance i thought this car would be easy and quick, but as soon as the morning sun started to shine The swirls came out of hiding. The swirls were deep enough that the required the PCP and Microfiber Pad followed by the PFP and Microfiber. This combo literlly made this paint flawless. Here's a few shots of the beast. I also cleaned up the engine bay and interior in prep for a show this week. I will get more pictures at the show. Supercharged Calloway is next.
  8. Squeeze it in paper towel. I like to use Scott's shop towels or similar. It removes all the excess and does a good job cleaning. I don't bother with using a cleaner anymore.
  9. Looks like paint overspray. Possibly missed while claying?
  10. I was a little shocked on my last shipment. I thought I had bottles of Brilliant Glaze. I've used this Discolored Detail Spray and it works as good as it ever has. As you can see there is a considerable difference in color. My shipments never sit outside in the sun when they arrive.
  11. Thanks, the 4 year old is really starting to act up a little more than usual with the new addition.
  12. After receiving a new lift, wheels and tires I was called up to wash this 20133 Sierra.
  13. When combing i like to use short quick strokes to prevent from pulling any of the wool out. Mine poofs up like an afro. Dont tell my wife but i use her brush, the dog doesn't have enough hair for a brush and haven't had the need for a brush since 03.
  14. Went at it with the old 1-2 on this Blown Henry J's engine bay. Also polished upnthe exterior with PCP and microfiber pad. Finsished with Brilliant Glaze and Americana. I also did polished up the wheels a bit. Here's a quick before shot of the engine bay. And some afters
  15. Looks like they were trying to polish with a dotco grinder.
  16. Thanks guys. We got him home now.
  17. Little Gavin was born yesterday 7lbs 15oz and 21" long. If he's anything like his big brother he'll love anything to do with cars. I made sure he got a good introduction.
  18. Wait, in the video Adam said,"this is the last firehose nozzle you will have to buy."
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