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Everything posted by Holder

  1. What a weekend. I ended up not getting off work until 0230 Saturday morning but had be be up and packed to leave for Oklahoma City at 0630 to meet up with a local MOPAR Club just outside of Tinker AFB. I agreed to do a paint correction on one of their Challengers during their all day get together. So here i am loaded with Adam's Products in my TBSS feeling completely out of place with all the MOPAR's around. It really was a great experience. I've done detail clinics before but never a full detail with a group of folks. The questions and side conversations I had kinda slowed me down ( and the lack of sleep) but i got through and really turned this Challenger around. Poor lighting and overcast didn't make for too many good pictures. Everyone was impressed with the products, i got great feedback and of course everyone wants their car done. Needless to say i'll be back down at the end of the month to do another car and fulfill some orders. I did a test spot and one pass of PCP and PFP with the new Microfiber pads using the Flex did the trick and made this car damn near perfect. Finished it up with Brilliant Glaze and Patriot Wax.
  2. Where do you display your Adam's Decal? I'm a big fan of the etched glass look.
  3. Some people, you could probly tell them that paint stripper would give them the most outrageous shine imaginable and they would all say, "I never thought of that, I'll have to give that a try".
  4. Wheeeeeeeler Deeeeeealers and Casing Classic Cars, 2 awesome shows.
  5. It's 'Insane' how you're able to turn these cars around. Nice job.
  6. Awesome news. Congratulations man!
  7. You will be surprised how much surface area you can protect with one little can. Also remember to lay it on thin.
  8. Nice! This really is some good stuff to work with. I have yet to have a 'soft' clear I can try the microfibers on but every car I've touched with them have came out swirl free in less time than the old polish and foam pads. Now if those dang 4"microfiber pads would be released already I would use the Cyclo more.
  9. Thanks, he has tasked me with removing the matte paint ptrotecting film and applying a clear film. I told him I've never done it before but I've applied large decals. He says,"I trust you, You can practice on his CTSV."
  10. First time using the pads I had some loose fibers but second time around it was all good. I do have an orange microfiber where the microfiber has separated from the foam.
  11. Awesome job! I love the Z06's Wonder what number Patriot Wax we'll lose first from trying to take an awesome picture with the car and that sweet a$$ container. Ive had a few close calls myself.
  12. Military folks is how I got started. I try and keep my prices low for them and make sure they're taken care of. There's a lot of deployment money into some of these guys cars and they like to take care of them. But as soon as the question is asked, "How much to do my wife's minivan?" I adjust my prices as needed. I can do up an interior like no other but I don' enjoy doing them so My price will sky rocket when I get a nasty one and the customer either will walk away or take it. I'm like you Dave, I don't ask much for most of my details but folks are always willing to throw in a little extra. In then end it's all what your time is worth and what you want to get out of it.
  13. With this owner all I have to do is ask. Just not after they're detailed. He doesn't even want to drive CTSV in fear of getting it dirty.
  14. It's temporary till he has the new knob made. When it's done it won't be that long. But it is a sequential shift so it's not that awkward just push forward to downshift and back to upshift.
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