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Came down with the flu over night, was fine yesterday and then this morning around 3am it hit me :mad:

Its so nice out, i should be washing my cars :mad:


I had the Flu Shot and have come down with it twice now. :willy::willy:

Today I woke up...

More to come. :jester:


Former paramedic and current hypochondriac Paul checking in.


The middle of the night pukey thing is not the flu. It is gastroenteritis. It can be caused by Norwalk virus' date=' rotavirus, or food poisoning. A lot of people call it the flu as in 'stomach flu' or '24 hour flu.' It usually passes in a day. The flu or influenza is a viral infestion of the respiratory tract. The flu shot will not cover your for the pukey thing but it will cover you for this. Influenza will usually have you sick and in bed for 5-7 days.




Viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu)

Viral gastroenteritis — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, treatment of condition often called stomach flu.


Viral gastroenteritis is an intestinal infection marked by watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting, and sometimes fever.

The most common way to develop viral gastroenteritis — often called stomach flu — is through contact with an infected person or ingestion of contaminated food or water. If you're otherwise healthy, you'll likely recover without complications. But for infants, older adults and people with compromised immune systems, viral gastroenteritis can be deadly.

There's no effective treatment for viral gastroenteritis, so prevention is key. In addition to avoiding food and water that may be contaminated, thorough and frequent hand-washing is your best defense.




Viral gastroenteritis


Although it's commonly called stomach flu, gastroenteritis isn't the same as influenza. Real flu (influenza) affects your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Gastroenteritis, on the other hand, attacks your intestines, causing signs and symptoms such as:


  • Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea — bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infection
  • Abdominal cramps and pain
  • Nausea, vomiting or both
  • Occasional muscle aches or headache
  • Low-grade fever

Because the symptoms are similar, it's easy to confuse viral diarrhea with diarrhea caused by bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli or parasites such as giardia.



You're most likely to contract viral gastroenteritis when you eat or drink contaminated food or water, or if you share utensils, towels or food with someone who's infected.

Viruses that can cause gastroenteritis include:


  • Rotavirus. Children are usually infected when they put their fingers or other objects contaminated with the virus into their mouths. Adults infected with rotavirus may not have symptoms, but can still spread the illness — of particular concern in institutional settings because infected adults unknowingly can pass the virus along to others. Some people, particularly those in institutional settings, may spread the virus even though they don't have any symptoms of illness themselves. A vaccine against rotaviral gastroenteritis is available in some countries, including the United States, and appears to be effective in preventing severe symptoms.
  • Noroviruses. Both children and adults are affected by noroviruses. Norovirus infection can sweep through families and communities. It's especially likely to spread among people in confined spaces. In most cases you pick up the virus from contaminated food or water, although person-to-person transmission also is possible.

Some shellfish, especially raw or undercooked oysters, also can make you sick. Contaminated drinking water is another cause of viral diarrhea. But in many cases, the virus is passed through the fecal-oral route — that is, someone with the virus handles food you eat without washing his or her hands after using the toilet.



I've personally had giardia from drinking untreated water from a lake in the BWCA. Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night in the wilderness to non stop rotten egg burps followed by intense evacuation from both ends. Yarrrrgh!:willy:


Flu Symptoms & Severity



Influenza Symptoms


Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The flu is different from a cold. The flu usually comes on suddenly. People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:


  • Fever* or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue (tiredness)



As to the OP: I sprayed my radio antenna and plastic lug nut covers with In n Out Spray. I also helped get the house ready for tomorrow's festivities. :banana:

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Trimmed the bushes, raked and picked up all the trimmings, blew all the leaves into the treed area in the backyard, and finally mowed for the last time this year. I'm beat. Then I fixed a leftover plate about 3x the size of my stomach and proceeded to overeat.....ugh. I don't need to wait that long before eating.

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My girls and I watched the Ohio State-Michigan game. We were seated between my aunt/god mother, an OSU alum and her friend, a Michigan alum. They both received their post graduate degrees from and taught at their respective alma maters. While they both have PhDs I do not address either one as Doctor.:D

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Met Adam and Lynn at the Turkey Rod Run! I worked the booth, and it was like a live forum with new folks! Demoed and sold lots In & Out Spray and SVRT. I also polished and cleaned lots of cars too.

A shout out to NastyGT500 and DaytonaJae (Mr. baggie test) for all their hard work today!

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I met Adam! And I spent all morning claying a 62 vette, then the afternoon buffing a Camaro with a PC as NastyGT500 did the other side of the car with the Flex while at the show. I ate some horrible food from a roach coach, (but who cares right?), drank beer with Lynn, then did donuts in the Adam's golf cart around the tent, talked cars and detailing with everyone, demo'ed the baggie test all day, love seeing peoples reactions when they try it themselves. Priceless.

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While they both have PhDs I do not address either one as Doctor.:D


No need to call a PhD "Doctor" unless you are on a college/university campus. I work with a guy who has a PhD from Brown. Impressive yes. He introduced himself as Dr. Morgan. I asked him if my heart stopped beating could he get it restarted to which he replied "Not a chance. I'm not a real Doctor". He's been

"Dave" ever since. Great guy.


I cleaned up the yard/mowed the grass for hopefully the last time, cleaned all the windows in the house, got/lit/hung two 4 foot wreaths on the house, and gave the wife's Subaru one last good wash before we trade it in this week. Listened to my neighbors say "Whyare you washing that? Aren't you getting rid of it?". Drank 6 Newcastles, ate dinner, took a shower, and posted this. :lolsmack:

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Went to work. I had 206 claims pending and i was able to review and work it down to 132. Now I didn't close that many I worked it as far as possible and rescheduled follow ups. I went to Sally's supply and got new combs because Kodi ate mine. And I need a comb to flatten my hair.


I came home and vacuumed my whole apartment. I then cleaned the carpet with bissell cleaner using the bissell heated cleaner. After that I did the Adams carpet cleaner in the machine and it worked wonders. That took about two hours.


While cleaning the carpet I did two loads of laundry. I washed all my Adams towels.


I cooked dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. I then showered n did my hair.


Went online and answered a few emails and registered on the g8 forum so i can learn more about the commodore conversion, etc so i can possible get Matt in the future for mods.


I tried to go to sleep two hours ago but alas I am up and posting here. Watching the history channel.


by way of tapatalk using my EVO 3D

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wrong thread.





Last night I had a 5' pile of boxes that had been delivered.upssmiley1.gif


I was wondering what I had bought? Then I remembered that I was shopping online for 3 days. witzbold.gif


This morning I finally had the chance to open the boxes. Toys, toys and more toys. My grandbabies are going to be very spoiled again this year! shopper.gif


I also woke up to our First Snow of the season. Love it!! BunnyYellowJumpsClear.gif

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Went to work.. Left around Noon to go home and change..


shaved, put my Class A on, went to FH so we could accept our 24' piece of steel from the World Trade Center..


Got banged out for an electrical fire while having the ceremony..


got done with call, ceremony was over, went back to work..


came home, got banged out for another call, back now and typing this

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Last night I had a 5' pile of boxes that had been delivered.upssmiley1.gif


I was wondering what I had bought? Then I remembered that I was shopping online for 3 days. witzbold.gif


This morning I finally had the chance to open the boxes. Toys' date=' toys and more toys. My grandbabies are going to be very spoiled again this year! [img']http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc237/sweetee1207/Smileys/shopper.gif[/img]


I also woke up to our First Snow of the season. Love it!! BunnyYellowJumpsClear.gif


Do you see any of them here? Make sure you keep those brown elves busy.....:lol:



Edited by LFairbanks
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