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How bad would this scratch my car?



8 answers to this question

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Unless the car is spotless when you put it on, I wouldn't. If it's a DD, let it go. Keep the paint and trim well maintained with Adams and you'll get years of enjoyment out of you vehicle.



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The biggest problem with covers like that is that they do not fit very tight. The tighter it is, the better. When it gets windy, little dusty particles can get up in that cover and settle on the car, and the get scratched by the cover dragging them back and forth. Also, if it is not soft enough inside, it can rub up on the paint and cause small scratches. You might want to look into more expensive, higher quality car covers.

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Thanks guys, I figured that would be the answer but just wanted to hear it. I wonder how the apartment company will handle me sitting outside and using adam's in their place or if I will have to just go to a quarter machine and do the whole thing there.

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