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After rain



After watching A.J.'s new video on water spots and reading some other threads on water spots, I think this is a topic that could be useful to a lot of people including myself because it seems to rain every other day here for the past month! :willy:


Anyway...obviously standing water left on the car will cause water spots no matter what, even with corrected paint and layers of protection. So, if you are unable to do a 2 bucket wash before the water dries or it's going to rain again the next day anyway, what is the best thing to do?


Let the water sit and do nothing? Pool rinse the water off? Blow dry the car (no hand drying obviously!)


Curious to see everyone's take on this.


Edit: I'm looking for the best method that won't re-introduce swirls to corrected paint. These are the only 3 possibilities I can think of.

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10 answers to this question

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It all depends on how dirty your car is, if it light dust while it is still wet or even dry use a good amount of WCW & WCW Towel.

If it is dirty and gritty you better do a 2 bucket wash.:thumbsup:


I'm going to assume it will be to dirty for WCW because of driving in the rain. I'm interested in what to do if you are NOT going to do a 2 bucket wash before the water dries either because you can't in time or it's going to rain again the next day or so.

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I'm going to assume it will be to dirty for WCW because of driving in the rain. I'm interested in what to do if you are NOT going to do a 2 bucket wash before the water dries either because you can't in time or it's going to rain again the next day or so.

Yes if you drove in the rain you are correct!

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I would probably have to say if you cant wash it give it a good rinse to knock off as much dirt as possible and then do the pooling method and dry with the leaf blower. definatley WCW is out because you would swirl the paint badly.

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My Ram has been out all winter, it's normally Blue and it's green now. I haven't washed it in 4 months!!! As AJ said put on protective layers. I don't have a water spot problem maybe i'm lucky:xfingers: but he is right!!

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If it is going to rain the next day or whatever if I have the time I wait till the rain stops, then hose it off (pooling). I don't dry it because it is still dirty, and I don't have a blower. I would rather have some small water spots then have large blobs where pollen and dirt in the air pooled while it was raining get stuck on. Air around here is full of crap.

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