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Customer Service 866.965.0400

New Guy From SoCal...


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Say Hey! I'm new to the forum and detailing. In the past I've always paid dearly for this service on my personal chariots even though as a firefighter (now retired) I did some amount of detailing on the fire engine every shift. One day I stumbled on The Junkman over at Youtube and a light bulb went on. By detailing my personal toy, along with pride and personal satisfaction, I could pocket the "toy allowance" issued by my WIFE (not LOL) and invest it in myself. Sounds like a plan, right? OK, so to bite from one of my favorite movies--"...I think this is the beginning for a beautiful relationship"--for you youngsters, that a line by Bogy (Bogart) in the movie Casablanca.


Jan "jellyjams" Lee, peace out!

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