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Weekend Project


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Just a little teaser of the beast that awaits me this weekend. My buddy's boss wants me to do his 2003 120k miles daily driver suburban. This thing is a BEAST and really tore up. Should be fun!!


Ok well I turned the keys back over to the customer yesterday. I was overall happy with the results although the hood was just trashed beyond my skills. I really think I would've needed to go the route of wetsanding areas and could've used a beefier machine. I spent 2hrs alone on the hood and got all the oxidation out of it and large chunk of the swirls but there were still a lot of deep scratches, etching and what looked to be paint failures going on.


I ended up spending about 14hrs on it spread over Thur-Sun so from that standpoint a long job in little chunks wasn't as brutal. I will say the highlight of this job was seeing how the interior turned around. Adams leather and interior cleaner worked wonders AGAIN! He went from brown seats and doors to a light cream. I tried to take some "along the way shots but often forgot. Saddly it rained all weekend and I never got it out i the sun to take some good afters.


I started with a good rinse down with Adams firehose nosel, shutoff combo.

Then it was on to the wheels first. 3 of them were in bad shape and one of them was horrid. I worked on that one wheel for close to 45 minutes. I used APC, Green Wheel Cleaner, fender brush, powerstick but on that one wheel head to bust out some 3M to break down the crust that was on those rims. I asked the guy and he said he blew out a rotor or something which he thinks caused all the hardened on blackness.


After the wheels it was onto a wash. Used the Adams foam gun then a two bucket wash with Adams shampoo and wash mitts (both sizes). Finished this just in time to beat the rain and got the truck into my garage where it had to stay for the rest of the weekend.


Adams clay with Adams DS (the claybar was trashed by the end)

Did a wipe down with 50/50 IPA aftewards since rewashing wasnt an option. Then is was on to buffing with my PC.


I ended up doing 2 passes with the green pad and SSR and 3 passes with orange and SHR and 1 pass with white pad and FMP. And finished it off with a coat of MSW!


I cleaned up the interior with the smaller vac n blow and then it was a full does of LIC with brush all over the place a wipe down and then leather conditioner. I had to go at the mats and carpet pretty hard with the carpet and upholstery cleaner and got a majority of the funk out of that nasty carpet.


Windows were done up nice with Adams window cleaner, glass towel and glass sealant. And then retouched up the trim where needed with VRT and in/out.


Bottom line customer was happy and stunned by the results (even though my picky brain was not thrilled with the hood).


Enjoy the pics.


I'll try to do these b4/after right with eachother so the change is a bit more apparent.



Back side before/after:








Some hood shots b4/after:









Some crazy inside turnarounds























Sorry for the long post. I acutally have a bunch more pics but this is prob enough to show you guys how things went.


Adams saves the day again! Thanks for a great product.

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Thanks everyone!!


Nice turn around, looks a lot better, even the paint still had some pop left in it!!:2thumbs:

Yea..the paint on the doors and side panels all had quite a bit of fleck in them after cleaning it up. The hood, while in areas had some life in it I really think its got some sort of faulty paint issue/failure going on with it.


The customer mentioned when he bought it used he had to wait a day because the dealer was repainting the hood. So clearly something was up with it before and still. He's had the truck for 5-6 years now so in the end he really doesnt seem to care too much. I think it definitely bugged me more than him.


On a side note..anyone ever do this? Cleaning interior, while wiping down nobs flick the interior dome lights on and not realize it only to find dead battery later that night? Live and learn i guess:loser:

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