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Dust from SSR??



so when i detailed my truck this weekend i used SSR for the first time. On my previous details i did not feel the need to go as agressive as SSR.


Well I noticed that as soon as i started using the SSR little bits of green dust went all over the place. Is this normal for the SSR?


I tried to use as little of product as possible and i did not have the same problem with the SHR or FMP

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8 answers to this question

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I've also noticed the dusting and as the others have mentioned, the DS works wonders. I also found it effective to knock the PC down to the lowest settings after you first dap the SSR over your area AND after each re-prime of DS and quickly spread it all around. Then back up to your 5 or 6 settings and back to work with the passes as normal.

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i agree i used it for the first time and was like ok is this much supposed to be coming off.. and i got told the same thing i am in italy and its hot all the time over here right now so i have to spray a extra spritz or two every time to keep it down plus with the heat... good luck

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