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Why I've been MIA...Adams products can really change your car!


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SOME of you might of remembered my car from intro thread or something.



Here is what I was working with:



After some Adams products this is the end result:



All jokes and humor aside, I tried being active on here since I picked up a bunch of Adams products + the flex and I had a planned full detail of the car....didn't work out since 4 days before that "detail day" the above happened, totaled. The good news is I picked up a replacement and now I'm slowly coming back to myself and catching up on things.


I'm still yet to find a decent solution to organize all my Adam's bottles, towels and stuff. Not sure if a container that has actually spots for bottles even exists or if i have to come up with some other weird solution -_-

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The detail cart works great for storage!


Sent from the Dark Side using G2/Tapatalk


I want to get one bad for storage and such....but this board has got me freaked out about storing anything in my garage. Right now I have 14 gallons and a crapload of 16 oz bottles in the pantry. My wife hates me. :lolsmack::lolsmack:

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