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mold on seats!!!! 69 Firebird



Need advice, Dad just told me after I washed and waxed the 69 firebird a couple months ago roughly, he noticed it had mold on the seats and door panels. I saw it, it wipes right off. But this brings up the question, why and what should we be doing. Its very humid here right now, not sure if its that or because I washed it. I also washed the 64 gto and it did not do that, nor did any of the other cars, that weren't washed. Do we need a dehumidifier and if so what size and how many. The garage is big, 6 cars, with an upstairs living area. The upstairs has heat and air. Or was it just a fluke from washing, and having the top up and windows closed.


Anything else I should do to the car besides leather cleaner and then conditioner at this point.

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it leaks somewhat down the windows from the convertible, but just kinda trickle a bit, I tried not to spend too much time or pressure spraying that area.


I think either way dehumidifiers are probably a good idea. Anyone have any idea how many it would take to do a 6 car garage in the muggy midwest?

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Ya know, Chris has an open spot in his garage since his G8 is gone see if you can rent the spot!!


How water proof is the top where it attaches to the car? Could it be left over water from the wash? Wash the car again and see if you find any wet spots that you might have overlooked.

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Wow ! ,How did i miss that.nice collection. I had my cars body redone 1 1/2yrs ago,spent 13 grand on it .I recently noticed a couple bubbles showing up under the paint,so i took it back to the bodyshop that did it.He figured it was from washing the car and water getting in where it shouldn't have,says it's best to use Waterless wash & detail spray on the classics that had extensive body work done. My firebird is going back to get redone.

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yeah, first time we saw mold. The garage is not connected to the house, but theres an office/living area above it that has heat and air. So the garage isnt as bad as some I guess.


Harry, theres a thread I posted up on here with all my dads cars that we have bought in the last couple of years. Theres another thread with the firebird and gto that I detailed a few months ago.

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they are the original seats, so I assumed vinyl. How many dehumidifiers or how big should we get for a 6 car garage.IMG_0364.jpg[/img]




Real nice car you have there! I see it's a 400 with standard vinyl interior.Is this the first time you found mould?

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1. i'm totally jealous! from that pic, it looks like he has a very nice collection!


2. is the garage attached to the house? it wouldn't hurt to keep it climate controlled. that could knock down a lot of the moisture in there. check out this http://www.adamsforums.com/forums/lounge/12193-2.htm


3. it wouldn't hurt to test all the door and window seals for any leaks if you think there might be one. what are the condition of the rubber door seals? i would imagine they're not original


4. i would keep a can of that damp-rid in every one of those cars regularly to prevent this from happening again

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oops read your quote wrong, I believe all the cars have a damp rid in them I'm pretty sure. I only washed the firebird and gto though. but gto was fine, not sure if the top was up on it though. Have to ask dad next time I talk with him.

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no, just the bird. My thoughts were maybe it leaked a little when I washed it, then it sat closed up (probably the biggest problem) then got hot and humid this summer. Should have had the windows down I guess. But still probably a good idea to use dehumidifiers. We are still fairly new at this collector car stuff for the most part.

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I've used these before if it is from moisture, someone posted them a few weeks ago that he keeps them in his car before shows. They work great. Sure it's mold? It's an older car, maybe something seeping out from the foam in the seats? Maybe they where wet already? Just throwing out idea's......Dave



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