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I said freeze!

Guest Luke Warmwater

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Guest Luke Warmwater

Had some visitors this morning. Opened the front door and right there 10 feet away was a not so small Bobcat. We both had an oh **** moment for a couple seconds then he snarled at me. I said freeze Mofo I'm going to shoot you!... with my cell phone camera!. I scrambled and snapped this pic as he walked up by the deck then ran inside for the good camera. When I came back out I see him walking away and with him was the Mrs. I barely got the lens cap off and they were gone. What I didn't realize when I took this pic was that she was staring at me to the left behind the snow bank. I bet 45-50lbs. Cool animals. Never know what is wandering around the house at night :)



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Guest Luke Warmwater

The one blurry pic I managed with the good camera before they walked down over the cliff behind the house. I see so much cool stuff up here and rarely am prepared with the camera dammit!



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Thanks for sharing the pics. This reminds of a few years back the neighbor lady up the street had a pond in her back yard with fish. She kept finding footprints around the pond, so she set up a camera. A while later it spread through the neighborhood, like a fire, that Marsha had caught a bobcat on film. My wife and kid went up to have a look, and my kid, just learning to talk, blurts out "thats my cat". It was. We would let him out at night and he would come back in the morning. He would sit at the door and cry all night if he didn't get to go out. I never saw the film, but my wife being the animal person that she is said she could see the resemblance, but the size wasn't there. Our cat had no tail too, like a bobcat.

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I am getting a little bit of a chuckle that folks think it's cool to have a bobcat prowling around their house. Don't get me wrong I love animals and its cool to see a bobcat..but I would not be thrilled to know that theyre that comfy getting that close. Just sayin.

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I am getting a little bit of a chuckle that folks think it's cool to have a bobcat prowling around their house. Don't get me wrong I love animals and its cool to see a bobcat..but I would not be thrilled to know that theyre that comfy getting that close. Just sayin.


It is cool to have them around. They won't bother you unless you do something stupid. I have bobcats, coyotes, javelina, etc. around me and they never bother you. They'll try to avoid at all costs.


About 2 months ago it was pretty cool. About 2 AM I was in bed reading when I heard a "roar" a couple times. First time I thought I was hearing things. On the second I went to the window just in time to see a bobcat run up the tree by it with a coyote running up right behind it. They had been harassing each other. The coyote paced around the tree for 5 minutes or so and then got bored and left. Was a fun exchange to watch.


Here's a shot I got from a couple years ago from my front door. Couple of bobcat kittens in the tree.



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