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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Amazing Customer Support from Sprint

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This afternoon my HTC Evo 4G suddenly started to have issues with the speaker. Sounded like a static cracking and popping during any call. Determined it was a physical problem with the phone b/c it worked fine w/ my bluetooth headset.


Called Sprint to report the issue first to schedule an appointment at the local repair center. Its always really busy there and I learned awhile ago that if you call ahead and make an appointment things go much faster.


Rep on the phone was super helpful, got me setup with a 5:00 appointment, plus added notes to the appointment so the person there would know what the situation was.


Got to the store and was greeted promptly. After opening the phone up the rep said "its a goner" basically there was some kind of failure and it wouldn't be worth the effort to repair. At this point I'm thinking "crap... now I gotta buy a phone or pay an upgrade fee" I explained that the phone was my primary work line (which it is) and I couldn't be down so what would it take to get it replaced.


The rep tells me that b/c I have insurance and the phone was obviously not abused they'd buy the phone back for $100 plus give me an early upgrade credit of $250 towards any other phone I wanted. They no longer make my Evo 4G so it was on them!! I wasn't due for an upgrade for at least another 12 months either so it was very cool of them to do it early.


They quickly upgraded me to a new iPhone 4gs, removed the insurance which drops my bill $7 a month and waived the apple protection plan fee ($100) without me even asking. Before leaving they thanked me for my business (going on something like 11 or more years now with them) and asked if there was anything I needed to be shown how to use on the phone.


Its rare to see a cell phone company provide that level of service unprovoked! I'm thoroughly impressed and happy to have a brand new phone and the only charge I ended up paying was about $50 to cover tax and the difference on the phone.


Way to go sprint. :thumbsup:

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This afternoon my HTC Evo 4G suddenly started to have issues with the speaker. Sounded like a static cracking and popping during any call. Determined it was a physical problem with the phone b/c it worked fine w/ my bluetooth headset.


Called Sprint to report the issue first to schedule an appointment at the local repair center. Its always really busy there and I learned awhile ago that if you call ahead and make an appointment things go much faster.


Rep on the phone was super helpful, got me setup with a 5:00 appointment, plus added notes to the appointment so the person there would know what the situation was.


Got to the store and was greeted promptly. After opening the phone up the rep said "its a goner" basically there was some kind of failure and it wouldn't be worth the effort to repair. At this point I'm thinking "crap... now I gotta buy a phone or pay an upgrade fee" I explained that the phone was my primary work line (which it is) and I couldn't be down so what would it take to get it replaced.


The rep tells me that b/c I have insurance and the phone was obviously not abused they'd buy the phone back for $100 plus give me an early upgrade credit of $250 towards any other phone I wanted. They no longer make my Evo 4G so it was on them!! I wasn't due for an upgrade for at least another 12 months either so it was very cool of them to do it early.


They quickly upgraded me to a new iPhone 4gs, removed the insurance which drops my bill $7 a month and waived the apple protection plan fee ($100) without me even asking. Before leaving they thanked me for my business (going on something like 11 or more years now with them) and asked if there was anything I needed to be shown how to use on the phone.


Its rare to see a cell phone company provide that level of service unprovoked! I'm thoroughly impressed and happy to have a brand new phone and the only charge I ended up paying was about $50 to cover tax and the difference on the phone.


Way to go sprint. :thumbsup:


i have the evo too.. how well do you like the iphone compared to the evo?

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i have the evo too.. how well do you like the iphone compared to the evo?


Its definitely a change... the hardest thing I'm having to get used to is the screen size. I never realized how much smaller the iphone was.


Functionality wise it hasn't been that big of a jump for me since everything else I own is mac (imac, macbook, ipad, ipod, time capsule, etc)


Don't know that I would've paid to change, but since it was free its nice.


Dylan, If I remember correctly you have had pretty good luck with Sprint.:thumbsup:


Yep... they've been consistently pretty good over the years. Only a few billing disputes in the past that were eventually resolved.


that is what an average day was like at the repair center I worked at :D HTC speakers are known to go bad quite often and it is not a cheap fix. We would just replace the customers phone with a new one of that phone for them at no charge.


Thats kind of the feeling I got from the rep... it was like a "we can fix it, but it ain't gonna be cheap" type feel. I'm sure I could've pushed it since I do have the protection plan, but the fact they offered all the extras in order to get me a phone immediately was too good to pass up.

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Once we would replace the phone for the customer. We would then send the phones out to be refurbished by the OEM. also if they had bad luck with a few phones we would let them pick out any phone they liked at no charge. always a good feeling making them happy

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Wow that's a first for Sprint. Glad they took good care of you.


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


Yeah, aint that the truth!


I was with them for several years B4 swithing to Verizon. Had issue after issue after issue with their CS, netowrk and phones. Best thing I did was switch over to VW.


Good to hear things have changed for Sprint.

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Yeah, aint that the truth!


I was with them for several years B4 swithing to Verizon. Had issue after issue after issue with their CS, netowrk and phones. Best thing I did was switch over to VW.


Good to hear things have changed for Sprint.


They haven't been perfect in the past, I had a reoccurring billing issue with them years back that had to be escalated and resulted in me threatening to cancel, but it was eventually fixed and I was credited a bunch for the hassle.


In the past 2+ years or so they've been pretty much flawless... any issue is resolved in 1 call, the reps are very helpful and polite.

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Thats a first for sprint X4 sprint is one of the porrest for everything down to the signal strength. I have nothing but great things to say about Verizon been with them over 6 years now and for the signal strength and the 4g speed I will happily pay a little extra. Insurance with verizon is that if the phone breaks you get a new one as long as it was not your fault such as abuse or water.

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that is great customer service!


the most i got from AT&T when we had an issue was when my wife's 3GS crashed and wouldn't turn on. they basically told us that we had to take it to apple for repairs. Apple replaced the phone and upgraded her to the 4 waiving any extra fees since she wasn't due for an upgrade yet.


so if you run into any problems with your new iphone, make an appt at Apple :thumbsup:

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Thats a first for sprint X4 sprint is one of the porrest for everything down to the signal strength. I have nothing but great things to say about Verizon been with them over 6 years now and for the signal strength and the 4g speed I will happily pay a little extra. Insurance with verizon is that if the phone breaks you get a new one as long as it was not your fault such as abuse or water.


Keep in mind that signal strength varies from area to area. If I took what you just posted and swapped spring and verizon it'd be true in areas around here.


Up until recently my friend couldn't make a phone call in his own house w/ verizon while I had full bars in the same spot on sprint.


Just depends on where you're at. Some carriers are better than others in some areas.

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Keep in mind that signal strength varies from area to area. If I took what you just posted and swapped spring and verizon it'd be true in areas around here.


Up until recently my friend couldn't make a phone call in his own house w/ verizon while I had full bars in the same spot on sprint.


Just depends on where you're at. Some carriers are better than others in some areas.


I travel a TON, From California, To West Virginia, to Tennessee, to Canada, to New York and I have never had an issue with my service

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have had Sprint ever since I had my parents co-sign for my plan when I was a teenager. I have an Evo 4G as well and have used my insurance a few times and have been through a few of them... I bought an Otterbox case (ALSO made in America -- in Fort Collins, CO) and this Evo is still doing great.


The rear speaker blew on my first Evo, actually!

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