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American Jobs and Starbucks


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So I was at my local Starbucks the other night getting my ritual coffee in between work and going to a GMAT class and saw this on the register and thought it was pretty cool. You donate $5 dollars and 100% of the proceeds go to creating AMERICAN jobs. I thought it was neat that it didn't say 50% or some odd dollar amount but all $5 of it goes to fostering job growth in our communities (I read the fine print). Also, when I got home I logged onto the website to read more and it appears Starbucks actually made a $5,000,000 up front pledge on top of what they raise from this. From what I read this money will go to local community businesses.


You get this nifty little red, white, and blue wrist band that has the word "Indivisible" on it. I know a lot of you guys might enjoy this so thought I would post it up.



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Keeping it real at Starbucks. (don't they sell Columbian coffee?) :lol:


They sell coffee from all over the world, not just Columbian. Starbucks has put a great deal of effort into improving the way they do business.


Responsibly Grown and Fair Trade Coffee | Starbucks Coffee Company


I think I may need to get a job there. Being in IT I initially thought my job would be outsourced to India....but China is making a strong showing. The company I work for is opening a huge place there next year.

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