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If the umpire just did his job and asked Wise to show him the ball before making the call they wouldn't need the replay. It would've been really awkward if it had only been the second out of the inning and they asked him to throw the ball back to the pitcher and he said, "Uh I don't have it."

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That's a pretty bad call but I can't fault the fielder for trying to get away with it. Is it any different than an outfielder acting like he caught a ball when it was clearly a trap? Umps miss those all the time....


I agree with the call for expanded replay. However - I wouldn't put it on the managers to "toss a flag". There should be an umpire in the press box watching the play. He can have a signal to the umpire crew chief that says "Wait a sec. You may have missed that one."


The umpire's union would like that because it gives them another umpire for ALL games. He could sit up there with the official scorer.

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Yankees 'catch' a break in 6-4 victory over Cleveland Indians at Yankee Stadium - NY Daily News



The umpire's excuse:

“I went out on the ball and saw the ball into his glove in the stands,” DiMuro said. “He disappeared into the stands and I believed that the ball was in his glove. In hindsight, I should have asked him to show me the ball since he fell into the stands and out of my line of vision.”


What Wise had to say:

“I’m not going to argue with him,” Wise said. “It was a tough angle for him. Stuff like that happens; they’re not perfect. He said, ‘Out,’ right away, so what was I supposed to do? Run back to left field? I ran off the field.”


“He made the call really quickly so I just told myself to try to get up, keep everything together, and get off the field,” Wise said. “I saw him kind of looking at my glove, so I just got up, put my head down and ran off the field.”

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The Rockies also "re-assigned" their pitching coach...ten years too late!


Didn't the Rock's pitching coach (Bob Abazaba?) ask to be reassigned? I don't believe he was on board with the new 4 man pitching rotation deal...

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Didn't the Rock's pitching coach (Bob Abazaba?) ask to be reassigned? I don't believe he was on board with the new 4 man pitching rotation deal...


The PR stance is he asked. He is now a special asst. to the GM. BOTH of them have one foot out the door and another on a banana peel. BOTH of them have done lack luster jobs the last 10 years. It's his fault we are in a 4 man rotation. I have seen PLENTY of great arms come through here that once they get to the show, the "pitching coach" does a great job of ruining them.

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The PR stance is he asked. He is now a special asst. to the GM. BOTH of them have one foot out the door and another on a banana peel. BOTH of them have done lack luster jobs the last 10 years. It's his fault we are in a 4 man rotation. I have seen PLENTY of great arms come through here that once they get to the show, the "pitching coach" does a great job of ruining them.


You sure it's not Coors Field that ruins them? <grin>

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Well former Rockies pitcher Jason Hammel 'was' pitching really well at home for the O's... then the Angels came to town and hung 8 earned runs on him in 3.1 innings. He'd only given up 9 earned in all his previous starts at home this year combined. So until last night you could've blamed Coors field for his struggles earlier in his career. :jester:


Oh... and some rookie named Trout made a pretty good play :D



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Oh... and some rookie named Trout made a pretty good play :D




I still think DeWayne Wise's play the other day was better. He got the out without even having to catch the ball. :jester:

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You sure it's not Coors Field that ruins them? <grin>


We keep the ball in a humidor :) since like 08 maybe 07.

Other pitchers come in here and dominate. I'm sure it's our scouting and coaching oh and that sorry excuse for a General Manager.


I need to back off that for a minute before I get angry!


Trout and that catch were amazing! He really can play. In person, he was great to appreciate as a fan of baseball. Hated him that weekend though.

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We keep the ball in a humidor :) since like 08 maybe 07.


You're closer to it than me, but I don't think the humidor helps the ball break in the thin air or helps the pitcher not be fatigued from the elevation.


Maybe it's just an excuse - like the heat in Texas always was until Nolan said "Not on MY watch!". They need to tun it into an ADVANTAGE and they just haven't been able to.... Bring back the Blake Street Bombers!

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You're closer to it than me, but I don't think the humidor helps the ball break in the thin air or helps the pitcher not be fatigued from the elevation.


Maybe it's just an excuse - like the heat in Texas always was until Nolan said "Not on MY watch!". They need to tun it into an ADVANTAGE and they just haven't been able to.... Bring back the Blake Street Bombers!


More than anything it's a lack of intelligence at the top about the game of baseball and what good talent looks like. For two decades now, other teams pitchers have come in here, and shut us down, on a consistent basis.


The ownership was quoted as saying they have "the best GM" in the game right now. Um...


Show me any pitching prospects that have panned out on his watch. Show me anyone developed and starring now in our system not named the injured Troy Tulowitzki.

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More than anything it's a lack of intelligence at the top about the game of baseball and what good talent looks like. For two decades now, other teams pitchers have come in here, and shut us down, on a consistent basis.


The ownership was quoted as saying they have "the best GM" in the game right now. Um...


Show me any pitching prospects that have panned out on his watch. Show me anyone developed and starring now in our system not named the injured Troy Tulowitzki.


To be fair to the guy ubaldo Jimenez did come up trough your system recently. Yes he's kinda fizzled lately but that 1 year with him let y'all get 3 top prospects and y'all made out on that trade. Idk when the gm started there however is my disclaimer on this post.

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To be fair to the guy ubaldo Jimenez did come up trough your system recently. Yes he's kinda fizzled lately but that 1 year with him let y'all get 3 top prospects and y'all made out on that trade. Idk when the gm started there however is my disclaimer on this post.


That's exactly one pitcher in 12 years. To boot, a headcase pitcher with no intestinal fortitude.


I can get deep into this but I won't. It just makes me sad seeing it in my own backyard. It's one thing when I lament the Red Sox and their woes with Cap'n Eyebrows being their skipper and whatnot...I love them from a distance!

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They have the pieces to build a team... I truly believe that.


With guys like CarGo, Tulo, Fowler, etc... thats a good core to build around. Its clear they lack a cohesive vision of where they need to be shopping/drafting/developing. A few key pieces and some better handling and they're a competitive team.

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Nice to see Trum-bomb and Trout make it. Those two are having really good seasons.


CarGo made it from the Rox, and will be in the HR Derby too.


I would like to see Dickey start for the NL, and just keep throwing that wobbler all over the place!


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The one Ranger All Star that bugs me is Mike Napoli... I'm sorry, but the guy doesn't deserve to be there as the starter. Last year? Yes! This year? Nope.


.235 BA / 12 HR / 30 RBI ?? Those aren't All Star numbers IMO... as much as I hate the guy Pierzynski has a better line in all offensive categories and is tough as nails behind the plate.


Even as bad as the Twins have played Mauer is putting up great numbers in every category except HR's.

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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The one Ranger All Star that bugs me is Mike Napoli... I'm sorry, but the guy doesn't deserve to be there as the starter. Last year? Yes! This year? Nope.


.235 BA / 12 HR / 30 RBI ?? Those aren't All Star numbers IMO... as much as I hate the guy Pierzynski has a better line in all offensive categories and is tough as nails behind the plate.


Even as bad as the Twins have played Mauer is putting up great numbers in every category except HR's.


There's always been a "lag" in All-Star voting. Most fans don't pay enough attention in the first half of the season to realize that guys may not be having as good a year as they had in the second half of last year - and the playoffs.


And Iron Mike was INCREDIBLE in the second half and the playoffs.

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True. Nap was always an "all or nothing" guy with us. Strikeout or HR... I'm pretty sure he didn't know what a base hit or double was.


The selection process really isn't something I'm a fan of. I like letting the fans choose TO A DEGREE, but when they weight that so heavily it turns into more of a popularity contest versus who deserves to be there.


I'm just glad Kid Fish got his recognition... a 20 year old rookie leading the AL in BA and SB is no small feat and the Trum-BOMB is gonna show the league why he has the longest average HR distance in baseball. :thumbsup:


AL looks stacked this year... looks like we'll get home field back for the WS. :cheers:

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