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Hey every,


You might have seen my post around just a little. I got a PC a while ago and have gone crazy! I saw the Junkman vids so I checked out the products and forums. I also saw that I had a local dealer. Len (indepthautodetailing) was awesome! I went and got some Adams products from him and I could not be more impressed. He is the very example of customer relations that Adams seems to achieve. He even let me give a Flex a try.

When I first logged on I thought everyone was just drinking the kool-aid but now I know...This stuff works! It's a simple line that is easy to use and follow how to use it. No clutter with products that do the same or similar things. :bow: to Adams for that.

If you haven't figured out yet, my name is David and I'm from north AL. (Decatur area, or if you are familiar, Hartselle) I have a 2002 Honda S2000 that just rolled over 148,000 miles as of today. Fortunately for its age it is silver, but that's no fun when you have a detailing bug. I also suck at photos but I'll give it a go.







Auto-portrait mode use2jfa8uu.jpgd flash, but I find it interesting some.

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Thanks for the comments guys.


Thanks again Len. You'll be seeing more of me in a few weeks.


Rich, I actually think it's a little too low. But it's close to being exactly where I want it.


Nick, I was trying to keep my shadow off the road. I'm actually about to try and do some night shoots. I've done a few before with good results. Day time shooting in a hurry is just a little much for my extremely low skill level at the moment. I was really into shooting photos when I got my Canon two or three years ago, but that has dwindled off. I need to get back into it. At least I didn't have an appendage on my car in most of them. I'm trying to follow the link from TBSS forum to making my photos better.

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This is the worst one I kept that I took.


I liked the content. Photo is crap, but the train stop light is on. Any that building in the back ground is the old train depot. Now sure what it is now, but it's been a store and a restaurant a few times.

If someone could give me tips to shoot under orange street lights I would appreciate it. I usually have more distance between me in the car under the blue ones like photo one. They turn out better but not many of those in this town unless I want Walmart in the background.


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nice s2k sir! welcome to the forums! The camera thing is a fun thing to learn, with my rebel iv had some fun, helps having photography major friends haha. For real though some nice books are out there of how to mess with setting like shutter speed and aperture, check out your local barnes and noble or borders, there are plenty of good tip books. even magazines as well as your learning.

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Shooting under street lights is very tough and there's not much you can do other than use a post-processing program such as Photoshop to mess with the white balance.


Composition is nice though. Make sure to use a tripod for night shots. If you do, you don't need to park directly under the bright lights to get enough light in your shot. Set up a tripod, park in a relatively dark area, and set your shutter speed for 2 seconds and see how it looks. Re-compose and adjust from there.


Photography is just like detailing, you will constantly continue to learn and your skills will evolve and improve, it just takes time and a lot of practice!

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Thanks everyone.


Nick, that's F29 @ 20/30 seconds shutter speed depending on pic. I tried to change ISO and F stops to accommodate for the over exposure I was seeing in the LCD display. All of those were deleted. I might take photography as a filler class next semester.


I will give Barnes and Nobel a look next time I'm up that was (little far from home). Books a million pretty much only has photography for dummies, which is huge and not very direct. I read a few pages on the subjects I did understand and it never cam full circle for me on what they meant or how to use it.

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Regarding the color - check your owners manual for color balance. Some cameras have predefined settings for different types of lights. Other cameras will allow you to 'meter' on a piece of "white" material/paper and it will create the proper balance for you. The capabilities vary widely from camera to camera. You can also do post processing on a computer to color correct.



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