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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Fed Ex Express Service - Scam???


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Anyone ever get this email?


I got one on Friday, and also today. I'm almost certain I have nothing on order from anyone, but with the new baby, you never know when someone is sending you something. I'm afraid to open the attachment, and the Hotmail filter is throwing it right to junk. Thoughts?


Dear Customer,


The delivery service couldn’t deliver your package.

The package weight exceeds the allowable free-delivery limit.


You have to receive your packagen personally.

Print out the "Invoice Copy" attached and collect the package at our office.


Please read carefully the attached information before receiving your package.


Thank you. FedEx Logistics Services.

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Yup, I receive them and they got straight to my spam folder. I don't even bother opening them because I know they're BS and a scam/virus waiting to happen so they get deleted instantly. Also, if someone was trying to send you something, they would be the ones receiving the email since their email would be the one provided when they ordered, not yours.

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Those types of emails prey on people that are curious and/or careless. I get many of those emails in my Yahoo Spam folder every month. I have yet to open a single one. Why? Because I know when I ordered something and know how to keep track of what I ordered. It went to your junk folder for a reason.

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Those types of emails prey on people that are curious and/or careless. I get many of those emails in my Yahoo Spam folder every month. I have yet to open a single one. Why? Because I know when I ordered something and know how to keep track of what I ordered. It went to your junk folder for a reason.


Two things I see wrong with what you just said. I get plenty of emails to my spam folder that are good emails, it happens all the time. Also, I've gotten emails from when my dad ordered something for me, and he's put in my email address before instead of his at checkout. Why does he do that, IDK, but it made me think for a second that he, or one of my relatives had sent me something for the baby. Especially since recently he said he was going to make me a crib, and "check" into the cost of shipping it for me. Again, after googling it, I deleted and flagged them. I never opened them. Thanks everyone. :thumbsup:

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My Chiro got it and opened it on his laptop at home and it crashed. He didn't put two and two together and went to the office and did it again! lol


Thankfully it was repairable.

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Two things I see wrong with what you just said. I get plenty of emails to my spam folder that are good emails, it happens all the time. Also, I've gotten emails from when my dad ordered something for me, and he's put in my email address before instead of his at checkout. Why does he do that, IDK, but it made me think for a second that he, or one of my relatives had sent me something for the baby. Especially since recently he said he was going to make me a crib, and "check" into the cost of shipping it for me. Again, after googling it, I deleted and flagged them. I never opened them. Thanks everyone. :thumbsup:

I never said that all emails in your Spam folder belong there. In my case, all of these types of emails end up there and they are there for a good reason.

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