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What Apple Could Buy...

Team Adam's

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HOLY COW! Its hard to wrap your noodle around $100,000,000,000 and what exactly that means in terms of 'stuff' but putting it into terms of cars makes it really sink in how much friggin' money that is:


What Apple Could Buy With That $100 Billion, Visualized


What Apple Could Buy With That $100 Billion, Visualized


Apple is one of the three most valuable companies in the world and is sitting on a pile of around $100,000,000,000 ($100 Billion). Execs at Apple are about to announce what they're going to spend all that money on. Ahead of that — we thought we'd try to provide a little context for just how much scratch that really is.


And context, to us, means cars. It turns out you can buy a lot of cars with that much money. We built one of those flashy infographic things to make this mind-blowing wad of cash make sense. UPDATE!

It turns out that's actually very hard to do.


For example, if you use the least expensive production car currently on the market — the $2,400 Tata Nano — you end up being able to buy over 33 million of them.


Just another large, difficult-to-grasp number? Hmm, that doesn't help.


But, if you use the most expensive production car on the market — the $2.4 million Bugatti Veyron SS) — you'll end up with a little over 40,000 of them.


That's at least a number that can be grasped.


Actually, you can do more than buy cars (and will probably have to since they're not making more than a small handful of Bugatti Veyron SS models).



But, what Apple really could do — if it really wanted to "Think Different" — would be to buy some car companies. And they actually could do it. They've got enough cash to buy all three U.S. automakers — and enough money to spend on paying back a decent-sized chunk of that auto bailout loan. Then they could build that "iCar" everyone keeps claiming they should build.


Check out the rest of the things Apple could be spending that money on in our infoporn to your left.


It turns out spending $100,000,000,000 is almost as hard as earning it.


UPDATE: Apple is going to pay a dividend of $2.65 a share and start a share buyback program. Booooooooooring.




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Pretty awesome 'eh? Came from dang near bankruptcy in '97 to where they are now? Come-on... I know there're Apple haters out there, but you can't deny them their strategy and drive to be on top.



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Pretty awesome 'eh? Came from dang near bankruptcy in '97 to where they are now? Come-on... I know there're Apple haters out there, but you can't deny them their strategy and drive to be on top.




Honestly one of the most impressively run companies EVER... I'm beginning to have larger issues with their ethics and overseas manufacturing standards at this point, but thats the electronics business as a whole.


Imagine what a company like this could do if they pulled the rug out from under China... a little "tit for tat" action. Just suddenly announce they're moving all iPad, iPhone, and iPod manufacturing to the states... at this point they're so big I doubt an increase in their bottom line would hurt and the impact they'd have domestically would be huge.


We can always dream right?

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Honestly one of the most impressively run companies EVER... I'm beginning to have larger issues with their ethics and overseas manufacturing standards at this point, but thats the electronics business as a whole.


Imagine what a company like this could do if they pulled the rug out from under China... a little "tit for tat" action. Just suddenly announce they're moving all iPad, iPhone, and iPod manufacturing to the states... at this point they're so big I doubt an increase in their bottom line would hurt and the impact they'd have domestically would be huge.


We can always dream right?


I can't disagree and would LOVE to see that. Unfortunately, it's not just them. People always go for the popular companies and use and abuse their name to make them out to be evil. It's happened for years. I take it all with a grain of salt.



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Imagine what a company like this could do if they pulled the rug out from under China... a little "tit for tat" action. Just suddenly announce they're moving all iPad, iPhone, and iPod manufacturing to the states... at this point they're so big I doubt an increase in their bottom line would hurt and the impact they'd have domestically would be huge.


We can always dream right?


That would be a huge economical boot for north america, which would mean less profit for Apple; so yea it wont happen.

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Heh I remember reading about this a while ago. Bad management imo. A company should never have that much cash on hand.


Even a large bank like Chase with 5000+ branches requiring 10% of deposits only requires 1m per branch. That's only 5% of apples cash. And that's required by law!

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Heh I remember reading about this a while ago. Bad management imo. A company should never have that much cash on hand.


Even a large bank like Chase with 5000+ branches requiring 10% of deposits only requires 1m per branch. That's only 5% of apples cash. And that's required by law!


That can't spend it fast enough... :willy: They bought Siri and another Israeli company not long ago. They're trying to spend it. They'll spend a bit on the new headquarters of course.

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I say they spend it on reanimating Steve Jobs :jester:


I'd be all over that! I really hope they keep going up!


My dad has a TON of apple stock and I think he bought it at 90 bucks. He potentially could "cut a fat hog" on this one...

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I don't want to be an Apple hater but I don't think the excuse of "everyone else does it" is much of an excuse. There money was made on the backs of slave labor. It's hard to respect that.


Anyway, I hope they take their huge fortune and do some good. Maybe adopt an African nation and feed them or educate a bunch of people. I don't know, something good.

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