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Has anyone else done this?


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I know this is silly, but I couldn't bring myself to log on to the site until I gave my Z a two bucket wash! It's though I felt guilty or something crazy like that. I had a long weekend that I spent with other projects so my rained-on and pollen covered car went unwashed for over two weeks. Has anyone else avoided the site because of something as nutty as this? :help:

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I have to admit I haven't posted anything about my current cars because I haven't done what I want to them -- the Gen coupe needs a claying, then prolly some FMP, with a few small scratches needing wetsandnng (pisses me off that someone scratched my ride!) I did do a two bucket wash, vacuum, C&UC clean of the inside, and used the new spray sealer on my wheels (and tires).


I do want to make a post about the importance of protection (and how to remove water spot etching) and will most likely do that when I have a little time. I have been doing do various product/technique testing (polishes, sealers, etc) but am waiting on longer term testing results to publish (if ever, due to forum rules).


Happy detailing,


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OK, so I feel a little better!


Thanks Teresa, you just confirmed what I was in denial about. :(:lol:


Honestly, it also boiled down to a combination of work, other projects and just not wanting to come on to a site where people take pride in the way we care for our vehicles when I know my car was looking raggity. Crazy, I know.

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I'm in the same boat... Dirty cars, winter weather and some other projects taking up all my free time makes me guilty of PWI... Posting While Inexcusable. :pc:


I do still find myslef on the forum a lot, of course, but i seem to be participating in more of the general topic threads... Not the ones about really shiny cars. I'm embarrassed and ashamed! :bow:

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