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$5 Million Dollar Garage


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:drool: Okay, saw this last night and couldn't imagine spending this much on a garage. It is pretty cool though and I would do it if I had that kind of loot to spend! I can only imagine what the rest of his property costs. I was disappointed at first to see what vehicles he had in there but after reading more on the article he sold off his Ferrari's and McLaren F1.


If I had it, there would be some serious shelving on those walls for a fleet of Adam's products! :banana:


See the $5 million garage and driveway elevator used to park a Chevy Cruze | Motoramic - Yahoo! Autos

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Yes I have that on my DVR and I had to watch it a few times...


He's obviously a motorcycle guy as his above-ground garage is full of bikes.

However, his underground garage has some rather plain cars... From memory, a Range Rover, some SUV, a golf cart, a Chevy Volt (I think), and a couple others. Basically I think he has one car for every purpose, such as gas mileage (volt), camping and trailblazing (Rover), etc etc... Nothing exotic at all, which also surprised me.

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Embedded for those that want to watch it here.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cps42IRMGFE]Million Dollar Rooms 106 Subterranean Garage - YouTube[/ame]


My one bit of commentary on this aside from that fact that is really cool is its also kind of sad. A man so proud to own dozens of the same thing and never having started them... kind of reminds me of the 40 year old virgin not taking any of his action figures out of the packages.

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My one bit of commentary on this aside from that fact that is really cool is its also kind of sad. A man so proud to own dozens of the same thing and never having started them... kind of reminds me of the 40 year old virgin not taking any of his action figures out of the packages.


:lol: Very true...

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Embedded for those that want to watch it here.



My one bit of commentary on this aside from that fact that is really cool is its also kind of sad. A man so proud to own dozens of the same thing and never having started them... kind of reminds me of the 40 year old virgin not taking any of his action figures out of the packages.


Yea, I couldn't figure out the appeal of having all those bikes that are never started, let alone driven. What's the point? He clearly doesn't need to count on them as appreciating investments. And as much as I love the underground garage space, it's way more than I would ever want or need. In fact, I think it would be depressing as hell spending hours down there detailing a car... no natural light, sterile walls and floors, unearthly quiet... I think I'd go nuts if I were alone down there.


Give me a clean, well lit and warm 6-8 bay garage with high ceilings, some windows and a good stereo system and I'd be a happy camper.

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Each to his own I suppose but if I were going to spend that kind of coin on a garage I would want that garage to house at least a Veyron Super Sport, Koenigsegg Agera R, Saleen S7 Twin-Turbo: McLaren F1, Aston Martin One-77, Lamborghini Aventador, and a Ferrari Enzo.

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i am so confused, is he broke now? where are all his disgustingly nasty sport cars? every one of the cars down there are not even worth the money to push the button to raise and lower them out of there, let alone save them from a "natural disaster"


??? :confused:

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He has a BUNCH of exotic / muscle / sports / collectible cars in that garage as well. All that it shows in that first room they go into is some generic everyday use cars. At the end you see them walking towards those two normal doors, that's where his main collection is housed. Millions of dollars worth of cars back there, I am sure there are reasons he doesn't want that piece of it shown to the world.

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That's just disgusting. I have no problem with the guy having tons of cars, bikes, and a 5 million dollar garage but atleast drive that stuff so you can share it with the world. I think if you make a lot of a lot of money you kind of have a duty to improve the world around you. Hear me out here. I'm not asking the guy to give his money away, he's surely earned it. What I'm saying is if your going to be a rich old prick will millions in cars and bikes and some fancy *** garage that cost enough to feed a medium sized African nation then you should go out and drive those cars and bikes. Spread the love of cardom to all. So let's say the guy does have an F50, well drive it. You might make some young kids day, or inspire him to dream big. Maybe you'll turn some guys day around whose had a bad day at work, but when he sees you go by he gets a joy out of it because maybe the F50 is his dream car and now he's seen one.


I just think buying cars and locking them up is criminal. There's a special layer in hell for those people.

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That's just disgusting. I have no problem with the guy having tons of cars, bikes, and a 5 million dollar garage but atleast drive that stuff so you can share it with the world. I think if you make a lot of a lot of money you kind of have a duty to improve the world around you. Hear me out here. I'm not asking the guy to give his money away, he's surely earned it. What I'm saying is if your going to be a rich old prick will millions in cars and bikes and some fancy *** garage that cost enough to feed a medium sized African nation then you should go out and drive those cars and bikes. Spread the love of cardom to all. So let's say the guy does have an F50, well drive it. You might make some young kids day, or inspire him to dream big. Maybe you'll turn some guys day around whose had a bad day at work, but when he sees you go by he gets a joy out of it because maybe the F50 is his dream car and now he's seen one.


I just think buying cars and locking them up is criminal. There's a special layer in hell for those people.


I agree, for the most part. I have no problem with making crazy weath, and I'm not jealous of those who have done it -- in fact, I admire it. But it's pretty selfish to have, like this guy does, 50 new, never run Harleys. Especially when you consider that there's probably 50,000 guys out there, working as hard as they can, playing the hand life's dealt them, and dreaming of someday maybe, if they're really fortuante, owning a bike like that. It would change their life... Give them as sense of pride and accomplishment... Make him the star some summer weekend when his friends and family are over for a BBQ... Have something to treasure and pass down to their kid. But no, 50 of them are squirreled away in some vault so some guy -- who made his millions from little guy customers -- can think he's the cat's meow.

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Seriously if you are never going to drive your toys you might as well just buy model cars instead of the real deal. This guy probably has a 1970 Hemi Cuda and guess what it's as cool as mine because neither one of them see the road. Of course mine is 1/64 scale.

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Well I don't agree with the opinions that if you have it, you have to drive it. I don't understand the reasoning behind owning so many of the same bike. But if he gets a sense of satisfaction from collecting them and thinks they are worth more by not driving them, than he has the right to do that. They can depreciate in value and some day someone else will be able to buy a great "used" bike with no miles on it!! How cool would that be!?!?


Cool thing about being in our great country, we can have different dreams, and as long as we don't harm others in pursuing our dreams, we are free to do that.


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Here is my take on it. Guys like him that have a more money than they know what to do with generally don't flaunt it, and are very conservative. People that what you to know, or make you think, they have money really don't.


I at one time delivered a town here in Utah called Park City. MarylandTDI is familair with this town. I think he mentioned he goes there to ride mountain bikes. The whole town isn't like this, some parts are. There is a development called The Colony and they had crazy stuff like what this guy has, minus the elevator, but you never really saw it. They would drive the average car that you and I drive and these homes for the most part would be only occupied for short periods of time through out the year. I remember saying to a contractor "thats a small house for up here." His response "It's 8000 sqft and it is the guest house. The big house is going over here." Everybody in there had exotic automobiles, but you wouldn't see them on the road. I would see them in their garages, all the time if they happened to be outside with the doors open. One garage if I remember correctly was like 49 cars, or something crazy.


The Colony at White Pine Canyon

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i understand why he would do it, but why so many!? i could agree with 1 to drive, and one to sell later, in mint condition to some lucky guy down the road that saved up all his working time to buy it, when he passes on.

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Well I don't agree with the opinions that if you have it, you have to drive it. I don't understand the reasoning behind owning so many of the same bike. But if he gets a sense of satisfaction from collecting them and thinks they are worth more by not driving them, than he has the right to do that. They can depreciate in value and some day someone else will be able to buy a great "used" bike with no miles on it!! How cool would that be!?!?


Cool thing about being in our great country, we can have different dreams, and as long as we don't harm others in pursuing our dreams, we are free to do that.



I agree free country, blah blah blah. Doesn't change the fact that I want to donkey punch this guy for locking up great stuff that. I saw an interview once with Enzo Ferrari where he talked about how he hated all his customers because they never drove their cars hard and locked them away in garages. He said most of them never appreciated the car for what it really was but just wanted it as a show off thing. I think I'd get along with Enzo Ferrari just fine. ;)

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