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Thanks bill!!!


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He sent me this all because I asked a simple question of which towel to order. I couldnt believe it. he wouldnt even let me pay shipping or nothing. So awesome! Already started cleaning :)



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Not even joking I was just asking which towel to buy and this is how I ended up...


This forum is by far the best I have ever been on. Other forums I would have been insulted, called a newb and banned because I asked the difference between 2 towels.


$200+ worth of supplies..... I just still cant believe it...

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Vincent, if you need anything else MSG me I may have some stuff laying around that I don't use


How do you guys sleep at night? Is it possible to sleep while feeling like that nice of a person. He already went above and beyond that im not even sure what else I need to properly clean my vehicles or my dads. I have the basic towels, bucket wash, fine hand polish, brilliant glaze, americana, and the stuff he sent me. Only thing left to order is possibly the under carriage spray, some all purpose cleaner and some more hex blocks for the polishes and what not that i use. What he sent me is just unbelievable.


Being that im just starting out... I would be more than happy to use the stuff you have laying around that you dont use!

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Wow, what a generous gesture. I think I'll try that:


Bill, what's the best denomination for cash? A $20, a $50 or a $100... :jester:


Interesting, I was just gonna ask Bill what kind of new car I should buy?:lol:


As stated before, the guys here are simply amazing. It all starts at the top, I believe with Adam, his crew, creating an excellent brand and forum then this generousity flows through.:cheers:

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Interesting, I was just gonna ask Bill what kind of new car I should buy?:lol:


As stated before, the guys here are simply amazing. It all starts at the top, I believe with Adam, his crew, creating an excellent brand and forum then this generousity flows through.:cheers:

Let me know the type of car you like - But it an't ah gonna be a black one. :lolsmack:

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That is incredibly generous! Good on you Corners!


Vick, I noticed your location is Dixon. That wouldn't be Dixon, Ca. would it?


Many tks Randy. I've been blessed in getting most things I want or needed in life but also know what it feels like to want something that I just simply couldn't have at that exact time.


Been cleaning out my shop, waiting for my new detail shop to be built. I didn't have a clue as to the amount of the same tools I had. When I finally finished sorting through all of them and found out that I had five or six of the same sized wrenches and sockets, more screwdrivers that I could ever possibe use, a new table saw with the laser light on it that again I had never used, multiple electronic testing equipment that I had never taken out of the boxes, etc, I knew it was time to do something about it.


Heard about a guy that lives not to far from me, retired, living just off of his Social Security and loves to wrench on different things but didn't have much for tools, I boxed everything up, drove to his house and gave it all to him. I also gave him my riding lawn mower - hated that sucker from the day I bought it. Bought a new one then hired a guy who just opened his own lawn care business and paying him to take care of my yard. The first guy is now assisting senior citizens by fixing up their weed eaters, working on their riding lawn mowers, etc. The other guy just recently had to hire a helper because now he has more lawns to mow, his employee is busy with other aspects of yard cleaning. Both guys are now a lot happier because with each new day, they have something to look forward to. To me, that's the way life should be.


One thing "I" need to do is clean up this thing I call a den. When? I get to the bottom of the papers mess, I have two lap top computers, two printers and a fax machine that I need to look around and see if somebody wants those. I should have a "fire sale" but think the insurance company and fire department would quickly catch on. :lol: "Life is good." :rockon:


BTW, Vick lives in Dixon, Ill.

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That is what it is all about Bill, helping others. Not a lot of people have that figured out.


Ya know Chris, many years ago - back in our Dads or Grandfathers early years, this was just a common thing to do - helping others. Remember if a farmer needed to put up a new barn or build a house, "neighbors" from miles away would give up their time and sometimes money to help them do it. Was nothing to building a new barn in a day or two.


Sad to say that the World/Society we live in today seems to only put their hands "out" - to receive rather than give. Then even sadder, if they don't get what they want, they get mad at everybody who they thought would help them.


I, like most individuals in todays Society realize that money is tight and will probably get worse before to long. However, if a person can assist somebody then they should do it. One day the shoe may be on the other foot.


We are all going to die someday and I personally, don't want my wife to be forced to go out into my shop and decide what to do with all the many extra man toys we seem to collect. I don't want her to have to go through my den, wondering which piece of paper is important, which one is not. Death of a loved one is bad enough but to put a burden like that on your wife, kids, etc is not the way I want to go out of this World.


I don't expect any big pats or any pats on my back or a bunch of "atta boys" for what I give away. If I could, I'd gladly give my wife's "Black" Mercedes away. :lol:


You are so right when you say people don't have that figured out yet. Well I think I can safely say that everybody will find a day in their lives when they will really need something. And for the most part, I bet they could never remember "them" helping somebody else.


As I said in an earlier post - "I've been very lucky in my life to get what I want when I want." So lucky that I got four "Lemon RAM Trucks." :lol: Of course that's a totally different story. :D


If I can put a smile on anybody's face then I'll go out of my way to do it.

"That" my friend is the way everybody should be - the way the World should be. But those days are now forever gone, never to be seen again - sad to say.

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Thanks Bill. Very inspiring to learn of others that pay it forward in the manner that you do.


Thank "you" Randy for saying that.


I didn't need no college edge-u-ma-cation to learn that. Just the way my parents taught me. I thoroughly enjoy to see those who don't have and do receive, to "smile." That's what also makes me happy. :grouphug:


I may also add that all on this forum have given me something - "Knowledge." That is absolutely priceless - Thank all of you! ;)

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