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Good cop, bad cop


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This would be an example of a bad cop.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyYlRZAdPGk]Biker alleges Dallas Sheriff Deputy made up charge to seize video evidence (RAW) - YouTube[/ame]


From Jalopnik


Frustrated Sheriff Arrests Motorcyclist For Wearing A Helmet Camera


While on a Memorial Day Weekend highway cruise, sportbike rider Chris Moore was arrested. He was not speeding. He does not appear to have been breaking any law. Thanks to Moore's helmet cam video, the Sheriff's department has opened internal affairs investigation on the arrest.


Moore was on a cruise with something between 50 and 100 other sportbike riders. Last year, these riders illegally shut down the freeway and this year they continued to taunt authorities watching the cruise, including one Deputy Sheriff James Westbrook. Westbrook pulled over Moore saying that he was going to take Moore's helmet-mounted camera and use it as evidence for the crimes committed by other bikers.


Moore: Was I doing something wrong? What am I being pulled over for?


Westbrook: The whole group of you guys.


Moore: No. I was not, individually. How can you pull me over?


Westbrook: The reason you're being pulled over is because I'm going to take your camera, and we're going to use it as evidence of in the crimes that have been committed by other bikers.


Moore protested.


I have not committed any crimes, and you cannot take my personal property from me, sir.


Westbrook gives this some thought, steps away, and returns to arrest Moore for having a concealed license plate. Moore contends that this is a trumped up charge, but he still spent eight hours in jail for it.


Were it not for his helmet video recording the whole event, that might have been the end of the story, but the video was picked up by WFAA-TV, who brought pressure on the department to review what appears to be an illegal seizure of property (the camera) without a warrant. Watch the video (Moore is pulled over at 3:28 and arrested at 6:31) and it looks clear that Moore was simply guilty by association.


Is it a surprise that Moore was arrested? Of course not. He rides the motorcycle of choice of speeders and hooligans, and he was travelling with a group of reckless riders with a history of breaking the law. Thanks to the proliferation of cheap video cameras, however, he might get justice.

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I hope the first two officers are suspended. guy went wrong when he did not immediately request a superior officer on scene before handing over his license. The officer is supposed to control the situation but he is abusing it.






different perspective, and gives the officers a little more credibility, but what was done is still an obvious violation of the biker pulled overs rights unless he edited the tape.

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That whole video is amazing. Officers do not realize that they can be video taped under the law as they have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public. When the officer slams the door on him that is where I actually yelled at him (head phones on, on the couch, sitting next to the wife). I hope the guy gets some justice. Total BS charges by a cop on a power trip.

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I understand that applies to every job field. Most abuse the power probably due to them being picked on at an early age.


You are kidding me right...dude you need a reality check...


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

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Dash cam paints a different picture... In my eyes anyways.


Granted the people that this officer taped were breaking the law. But pulling someone else over to get their helmet cam and trumping up charges to arrest them when the suspect invokes his 4th amendment rights is unacceptable. The cop acted unprofessionally.


This is why I am not a cop anymore. I didn't want to be around or be like guys like this.

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Dash cam paints a different picture... In my eyes anyways.


No doubt the other bikers were being hooligans, and should have been arrested, but instead of pulling over the biker acting like an idiot that they have dash cam evidence against, they pull over a different rider riding normally to confiscate his camera? The dash cam of the arresting car conveniently doesn't exist: Sheriff launches internal affairs investigation in response to biker arrest | wfaa.com Dallas - Fort Worth. Which I'm guessing is only probably because it clearly shows the "obscured plate" that the guy was ridiculously arrested for.

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I understand that applies to every job field. Most abuse the power probably due to them being picked on at an early age.


"most" is a pretty big assumption... how many cops do you actually know? How many have you met that weren't issuing you a ticket? My brother is cop, my cousin is a cop, my other cousin is highway patrol and like they always say - "people hate the cops until they need them for something"


Forget the fact my cousin shot and killed a violent man holding his child at knifepoint and saved her life or spends most nights in one of the worst areas of the county dealing with gang bangers, theives, drug dealers and scum bags so regular people can be safe in their beds.


Forget that my brother works in the high security wing of LA's worst prison every day, has had multiple broken bones, injuries, and threats on his life/family while on the job keeping violent offenders behind bars.


Forget that my other cousin spends almost every major holiday away from his entire family and 2 young kids to pull over drunk drivers, run checkpoints, stop street racers, and protect the rest of us from being killed on our way home from that New Years Eve, Christmas, St. Patty's Day, or Birthday party.


What a bunch of jerks [/sarcasm]

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Let's not put every cop out there in the same group as this guy. My Brother in law is a detective and many friends are officers as well. they are good people on and off duty. A small few acting unprofessionally should not reflect on all of the good men and women in blue.

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"most" is a pretty big assumption... how many cops do you actually know? How many have you met that weren't issuing you a ticket? My brother is cop, my cousin is a cop, my other cousin is highway patrol and like they always say - "people hate the cops until they need them for something"


Forget the fact my cousin shot and killed a violent man holding his child at knifepoint and saved her life or spends most nights in one of the worst areas of the county dealing with gang bangers, theives, drug dealers and scum bags so regular people can be safe in their beds.


Forget that my brother works in the high security wing of LA's worst prison every day, has had multiple broken bones, injuries, and threats on his life/family while on the job keeping violent offenders behind bars.


Forget that my other cousin spends almost every major holiday away from his entire family and 2 young kids to pull over drunk drivers, run checkpoints, stop street racers, and protect the rest of us.


What a bunch of jerks [/sarcasm]




Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

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I didn't mean for this to be an anti-cop thread. I have the highest respect for those that serve and protect, but I have a big problem with the few bad apples like this guy who probably shouldn't have a badge. Maybe he was just having a bad day because of all the other bikers, but that doesn't give him the right to act like this to this guy. Totally unprofessional.

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I am not fighting for the officer in any way. I still 110% my first post that he should be suspended. However, an officer has to demand his authority within a situation. If the biker was with a group of people with a large amount of drugs then I do see reasonable cause to pull him over. Arresting him was wrong without question in any case and an abuse of power. As was taking his camera.


But if you look at it from a different perspective; maybe the cop just over stepped his bounds in a group his was severely outnumbered by to retrieve drugs from getting any further. Be it resold or used by the riders before going out and potentially hurting someone. We have no way of knowing what the cop was really thinking, but I'd like to think it was to protect society. I have a major problem with drugs, just don't like them at all, and so do most of the officers I know.


I think my point of view is that I'm a little less outraged thinking the officer was trying to stop drugs over my initial infatuation that he's breaking more than one civil right just to catch some people speeding on motorcycles.

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"most" is a pretty big assumption... how many cops do you actually know? How many have you met that weren't issuing you a ticket? My brother is cop, my cousin is a cop, my other cousin is highway patrol and like they always say - "people hate the cops until they need them for something"


Forget the fact my cousin shot and killed a violent man holding his child at knifepoint and saved her life or spends most nights in one of the worst areas of the county dealing with gang bangers, theives, drug dealers and scum bags so regular people can be safe in their beds.


Forget that my brother works in the high security wing of LA's worst prison every day, has had multiple broken bones, injuries, and threats on his life/family while on the job keeping violent offenders behind bars.


Forget that my other cousin spends almost every major holiday away from his entire family and 2 young kids to pull over drunk drivers, run checkpoints, stop street racers, and protect the rest of us from being killed on our way home from that New Years Eve, Christmas, St. Patty's Day, or Birthday party.


What a bunch of jerks [/sarcasm]


That is good and its my opinion. Have you ever been stopped because you were the "wrong color" driving a nice car? How about have you ever been put into a cop car at the age of 9 because you were the "wrong color" at the right time walking through an area that was of another color? I'm not trying to get on a "keeping the black man down" platform, i'm just stating what has happened in my life. So yes i cannot stand cops. And yes i have several family and friends that are in law enforcement and they know my feelings but their isn't any love lost between them and i. Oh and i'm a U.S. Navy Chief i know a thing or three about protecting people. Yet, I've still been pulled over to pretty much see who is driving/profiled.

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What type of "reality check" do i need?


That not all police arent bad. That maybe some us actually do our jobs and do them professionally. As far as being a navy chief I hope you are a Seal or EOD cause last time I checked all the Navy did was support the Infantry just like 90% of the military.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

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As far as being a navy chief I hope you are a Seal or EOD cause last time I checked all the Navy did was support the Infantry just like 90% of the military.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2


Ooooohhh, Jon. I was totally on your side until the jab at the military, you have just officially bowed down to his level.

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