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Curiosity Lands on Mars


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Is there any real need to spend millions of dollars going to mars? What do we gain from this? Maybe I'm missing some crucial fact about this trip.


Why not spend it to help the military vets, pay better salaries to those who deserve it (fire fighters, military, police, teachers, etc), or work on making our planet a better place.


Build more schools, prisons, hospitals, etc. Anything that can make a difference for us today.


I think its great that we have the technology to do such amazing things. I'm proud to say that I've been a witness to these events. Unfortunately I think its a huge waste of money and resources. Put that to better use to save us and our country.


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Is there any real need to spend millions of dollars going to mars? What do we gain from this? Maybe I'm missing some crucial fact about this trip.


Why not spend it to help the military vets, pay better salaries to those who deserve it (fire fighters, military, police, teachers, etc), or work on making our planet a better place.


Build more schools, prisons, hospitals, etc. Anything that can make a difference for us today.


I think its great that we have the technology to do such amazing things. I'm proud to say that I've been a witness to these events. Unfortunately I think its a huge waste of money and resources. Put that to better use to save us and our country.


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A lot of today's technologies are generated through the space program. Iam sure back in the 1700's, people thought why do we need to explore the other side of the ocean.


Brandi, the next two links right below I think sums up why.

NASA Spinoff Homepage


Curiosity "10 NASA Inventions You Might Use Every Day"


NASA - Why We Explore


This may make some people mad, but the cost of the MSL program cost about 2.5 billion. Seems like a lot, which it is. But each Space Shuttle cost roughly 1.7 billion. The cost of a B2 bomber cost roughly 2.1 billion. Any advanced technology is going to cost.


NASA - Concept Maps Show Why We Explore


Curiosity rover scores touchdown on Mars - Technology & science - Space - NBCNews.com


Mars Science Laboratory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


NASA - Mars Science Laboratory, the Next Mars Rover

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I understand why some people might complain about the money spent on the space program but they need to see the whole picture.

Our Government spent 5 trillion dollars ..most in Americas history. For what? To give more lazy people handouts and greedy banks and companies bail outs. All to see them do the same darn thing again. Abuse the system!


What people do not understand the Space shuttle program was killed, this saved us almost 2 billion per launch. Now we need to reinvest the money elsewhere in the SPACE program.

The 2 billion this costs for Curiosity is only 1-2 percent of our military budget. That really isn't much when you see how much we spend on defense. BTW ..I do not mind spending money on the defense of this country. Its worth it.


America was the leader in space exploration until the shuttle got killed off and budgets were cut in NASA by our government. Russia & China are now on our heels catching up with advanced space programs of their own. We need to lead with our friends and allies to continue the space program. We now have private companies teaming up with NASA helping to lower costs. Its smart to give these private companies the opportunities to be part of the Space Program. Its only going to help.


Do not forget ..The technologies that were invented due to space exploration has helped this nation and everyone living here. Im sure you use more than one product that was invented from the technologies from our space program on a daily basis.

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I think the really sad thing is, is that we actually cut the space program! I agree there is a lot of wasteful spending in the government but the space program is crucial to our future our children's future and their children's future. Where would we be if no one discovered America?



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The USA can do amazing things when it brings people together and puts minds to problems; the space program is one of the few things that truly inspires and makes us smarter -- as well as can create a lot of jobs and support a lot of communities. If I had my way NASA and the sciences would get a FAR higher percentage of the budget.

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Having our space program cut sickens me, Especially from a certain individual in office that PROMISED he would not cut the program. I cant figure out for the life of me why he's up in florida and gaining a sizable lead...I guess they just need to run His promises in florida and show how bad off Canaveral is, whats worse is were paying the russians to send AMERICANS to the space station :mad:


This excites me though, i wouldn't be surprised if this mission gets cut in the middle of their research though


NASA is amazing, it i dont think many people understand what it is they do, ERR i mean our Camander and chief and the left dont have a clue. :mad: America needs to be first in everything and this current administration is taking that away :mad:

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It still just amazes me on how far we have come. Im so very proud of the ingenuity and brains of our engineers and scientists that we have in this great nation.


Galileo "The father of Science" would be so proud

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I really can't understand the criticism about NASA in terms of spending. This project cost a couple of billion and its giving us definitve answers without speculating about it. If amazes me that some people will say that this is a frivolous waste of money and you see the trillions of dollars for bail outs, hand outs and pure corruption...it drives me crazy.


/rant off

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I really can't understand the criticism about NASA in terms of spending. This project cost a couple of billion and its giving us definitve answers without speculating about it. If amazes me that some people will say that this is a frivolous waste of money and you see the trillions of dollars for bail outs, hand outs and pure corruption...it drives me crazy.


/rant off


Yeah what kills me is nobody has any problem with the spending for bail outs and programs that only help non citizens and people on welfare. Lets not forget expanding government 4 times the size than what it was ..which costs $$.


I have people always asking me how I can support the Space program when it costs a lot of $$. I ask them how can you support a government that has spent trillions wastefully.


OK I'm off my soap box ..LOL!

Edited by Mongosg8
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Is there any real need to spend millions of dollars going to mars? What do we gain from this? Maybe I'm missing some crucial fact about this trip.


Why not spend it to help the military vets, pay better salaries to those who deserve it (fire fighters, military, police, teachers, etc), or work on making our planet a better place.


Build more schools, prisons, hospitals, etc. Anything that can make a difference for us today.


I think its great that we have the technology to do such amazing things. I'm proud to say that I've been a witness to these events. Unfortunately I think its a huge waste of money and resources. Put that to better use to save us and our country.


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


Thank goodness our space program spending allowed you the ability to post this on the internet using a cell phone.

Edited by AngryPolska
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Thank goodness our space program spending allowing you the ability to post this on the internet using a cell phone.


Key statement: maybe I'm missing something.

Not everything is invented by people on the moon. We do have a lot of things invented because people are smart, no matter what planet or moon they are located on.



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To me I think that while the tech and exploration of other planets is cool, we need to address and fix the issues on this planet first before moving to the next. Especially since it looks like that will be the next planet that life on this planet inhabits. Not bagging on NASA one bit.

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No one asked for an explanation.


I made a statement and that's my opinion. Just like anything, not everyone agrees but there is no need for you or anyone else to attack me.


I think it's great that things are being explored but I do think the economy is suffering enough and that our military and other projects could have benefited more than us landing on mars.



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No one asked for an explanation.


I made a statement and that's my opinion. Just like anything, not everyone agrees but there is no need for you or anyone else to attack me.


I think it's great that things are being explored but I do think the economy is suffering enough and that our military and other projects could have benefited more than us landing on mars.



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Nobody is attacking anything. After reading your last 2 posts, it's quite clear you just don't get it.

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Nobody is attacking anything. After reading your last 2 posts, it's quite clear you just don't get it.


Does it matter??

I said from the beginning I could be missing something. Links have been provided.....why do you guys continue to be rude?



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