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Should I get her?


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I had a dog when I lived with my parents, she was similar to the one pictured. Had to leave her with my folks when I went off to college :(


Now I'm back in my old hometown and have an apartment of my own, they're pet friendly and I have a really good sized unit...honestly the only thing im debating on is dealing with the dog hair and it getting into my Camaro! :lolsmack:



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That has to be record time for a response! :lolsmack:


I'm going to go and meet her on my lunch break in just a bit and see how we click...


Also, not sure what she is. I can tell she's got some German Shep in her, but I can also tell she's mixed with something, just not sure what.

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The dog hair SUCKS! I have a Golden Retriever and I couldn't ask for a better family pet, but I am SO over the hair... You can't beat a dog as a companion IMO. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have one in an appt., but that's because I like letting mine out he back door to do his business.



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Saw this the other day:


"They say a dog is man's best friend...but I can't think of a single one of my enemies that could look me dead in the eye while going to the bathroom in the middle of my living room floor."

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I agree with Chewy. I have an Aussie and English Bulldog. Both are amazing companions especially the Aussie. But the bulldog sheds like nothing you've seen before all year round. She isn't allowed in the SS though because of this. Thankfully we have a house where they can go do their stuff out back.


You have to remember it's a lot of work. We pay a dog walker to come everyday to let them out while we're working all day and the cost is unbelievable.


If you can manage being there for the dog and providing for it, then go for it.


Good luck with your decision.

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Having a dog is something that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Research the breed before adopting a dog.


What will fit your lifestyle best??


In some cases it may be hard to tell what the dog is...in the case such as yours.


My dachshund does not shed too much and so he's allowed in the SS.

Adopting a dog is the greatest thing you can do and the reward you will receive and the love they give is so UNCONDITIONAL.


I hope this works for you.



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Remember, this dog is grown, so if it's not housebroken it most likely isn't going to be housebroken. And since you haven't had it since it was a pup, you don't know its temperment or if it's prone to nip at strangers,etc. Does it bark constantly when it's left alone? Can it wait till you get home to let it out to do its business? Does it like to ride in a car or will you have to give it a sedative? Are you prepared for taking care of a dog for another 10 years? Do you have someone to handle it when you travel? Big responsibility.

Personally I think I'd start with a puppy and train it myself.

But it is a good looking dog.

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Having a dog is something that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Research the breed before adopting a dog.


What will fit your lifestyle best??


In some cases it may be hard to tell what the dog is...in the case such as yours.


My dachshund does not shed too much and so he's allowed in the SS.

Adopting a dog is the greatest thing you can do and the reward you will receive and the love they give is so UNCONDITIONAL.



Solid advice here -- don't rush into it, as it's a huge time and money commitment. It's not fair to the dog if you can't give it all the time and medical attention it may need. Think about where you are living and working now, where you hope to be in a year, 5 years. Pets are great, but you don't want one dictatcing where you can live, when/where you can go on vacation, when you need to be home, etc. It's not fair to have a dog if you have to leave it home all day while you're at work and all weekend because it can't go in your car. :thumbsup:

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Solid advice here -- don't rush into it, as it's a huge time and money commitment. It's not fair to the dog if you can't give it all the time and medical attention it may need. Think about where you are living and working now, where you hope to be in a year, 5 years. Pets are great, but you don't want one dictatcing where you can live, when/where you can go on vacation, when you need to be home, etc. It's not fair to have a dog if you have to leave it home all day while you're at work and all weekend because it can't go in your car. :thumbsup:


+1. I love dogs, but I'm simply not home enough to have one. I can't give a dog enough time to be fair.

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Well I went and spent some time with her at lunch yesterday. She is at a shelter and was rescued about 2 weeks ago. They just now started putting her up for adoption because when they found her she was in pretty bad shape.


They didn't know her exact story, someone picked her up and brought her in from a neighboring town. They said when they got her she was EXTREMELY malnourished and I believe it because she was pretty skinny when I met her.


I'm thinking she was beaten at one point. She's terrified but still wants to be loved on. She would crawl up to me, ears down, and place her head on my foot and once I started petting her she stood up a bit and put her head on my lap. I felt so bad for the poor girl.


Never understood people who could beat animals or fight them or any of that crap. I went back after work just to make sure we would be a good fit. The lady at the shelter told me that the dog (Abby) had some new onset blood mixed in last time she went to the bathroom and so I would be unable to take her home until they get her checked out.


Anyways, that's the latest on the puppy story.

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I am a total Dog Lover. We have a Boxer and a Black Lab. Neither one are allowed in my cars because of their nails on the leather seats but they can jump right into my husband's Tahoe. We keep a blanket in the back and put it on the seats before they get in to prevent as much hair as possible. Also, if you vaccum out your vehicle once a week, it should stay pretty much hair free depending on the breed. but...



She needs a good home if you have the time and space. :2thumbs:

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I just know that hair would get on my clothes and then transfer it everywhere! lol


We've learned never to wear dark clothes that much because this. When the Adam's black shirt comes on I stay away from my pups like they have a disease! :D

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