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1 in 88 Can't Wait - Autism Votes 11.6.12

Team Adam's

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My son is one of the "1 in 88 children" on the autism spectrum and I want a government that will stop eroding his support programs, fund research, and recognize that autism is now a major health concern rather than ignoring it.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjqQ555KL1A]1 in 88 Can't Wait -- Autism Votes 11.6.2012 - YouTube[/ame]

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This country so needs a smart health care system that takes care of people instead of companies. Franky, it's a national shame that we're not leading the world in research and patient care. Cancers, Alzheimer's, Autism... the list is endless, and cures or treatments are very possible... we just need to get there. And the USA ought to be there FIRST. :mad:

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This country so needs a smart health care system that takes care of people instead of companies. Franky, it's a national shame that we're not leading the world in research and patient care. Cancers, Alzheimer's, Autism... the list is endless, and cures or treatments are very possible... we just need to get there. And the USA ought to be there FIRST. :mad:


Your so right Rich .. Cancer & heart disease has been a problem in my family. Taking care of a dying mother for a few years watching what cancer does to people its awful. Ive been a big advocate for awareness of these diseases now since and cannot believe what I read and how our government ignores the issues.

Whats a shame is the government has no problem giving billions in aid to countries that hate us but they cannot give money to these important research facilities to come up with a cure or a solution. They depend on donations etc to get their funding and they should be supported by our government.

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Its very scary for us now... the funding has been cut to such a degree for all the support programs for kids like Tanner that the therapy agencies are firing teachers/staff and denying services. Not their fault... without funding they can't pay the therapists, and I don't expect anyone to work for free.


The ABA therapy that Tanner has received from the Regional Center since age 2 was just recently discontinued, meaning he no longer gets his in home services. His school hours have been cut back b/c the funding for Spec. Ed classrooms is shrinking every year and teachers aren't compensated for their efforts.


So with all this we are now 'forced' to rely on our healthcare provider for services, and being a business they try to deny extra coverages at every turn or simply do not have the services we need. Now it falls on us to pay out of pocket for these services... and when you consider we're already paying a ton for health coverage, the government took well over 1/4 of my income last year in taxes... doesn't leave much to pay for it.


We always find a way, but as the politicians continue to take funding from these programs and drive us further into debt not sure how much longer I can afford it. Luckily we've found some great support programs in CO and Tanner will be enrolled in a school with an excellent spec. ed program, but it still is scary to think there may come a day when we can't afford those extra services that are so important to his progress.

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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