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The Sampler Pack



I was thinking about ordering the sampler pack, but there is one thing keeping me from ordering it. Is 4oz of the products enough for one wash? Even then, a $30 wash seems expensive. Maybe I should just order some full size stuff.

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7 answers to this question

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Go ahead and buy the biggest sizes you can afford. It's cheaper in the long run, and I can't imagine not liking/using any of the Adam's products.

However, the 4 oz bottles are great to carry with you for touch-ups away from home.

Edited by Redbeard
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I agree that the value is in the bigger purchases, but to get a little familiarity with each without a huge investment, the sampler pack is the way to go. It's also a great way to get a little collection if, say, you were going to travel cross country to visit your parents and detail their car for them while you were there. Just have it shipped to mom & dad's and there's no fuss/issue with traveling with all those liquids. :cheers:


Heck, throw a few MF towels into the order, too -- you can make mom wash 'em before you leave. :lol:

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Thank you for the offer, but I am not going to take you up on it. Right now I am in college and don't have my own car. I would just wash my parents (they let me drive them for free), but I enjoy detailing because I find it fun and relaxing. I am just trying to figure out what I would even get to get started because I can easily see spending close to a grand, which I am not going to do. So just seeing how I can be satisfied without going overboard. That's why I was considering the sampler, but then I thought about how small it actually was. I'll probably just wait until December when I have a break from school and might just get some Adam's as a gift.

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My first order was the Sampler Kit. I recommend it for one reason. After you get it and like it you can refill those small bottles for travel, emergency bird bomb removal, etc. They're also handy to have to indoctrinate new users to Adam's Polishes.

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