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Fog Condensation & WW?



So the plan was to wash my truck yesterday and come home from work today and put a coat of SS on.


I was going to hit it with some WW to get the dust off of it. This morning there was really bad fog and it made certain parts of my truck wet (like it rained) not horrible though.


Think it would be ok to still use the WW or do I need to wash it again?



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Were you able to let the condensation dry before giving it the WW treatment? Not that it's necessary, but that would make it easier to do. Besides, that additional moisture would act to water down the product and soak your towels more quickly. Anyway, to answer your question, whether you're good to go with a WW session depends on how much dust was on it when it got wet. It's a judgment call, but I will say if there's any doubt, washing it again won't hurt.

Edited by Redbeard
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When I had the black Vette, I drove to a car show and it stormed on the way. Got to the show, the sun was out, and guess what I used to clean her up? Yep........WW! I had an audience, believe me. Nobody could believe that I was wiping that thing down. But it came out beautiful (used 2 bottles of it!), and didn't scratch the paint. I gave away a lot of samples that day!!

So I'd say you're good to go. :2thumbs:

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