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Well it Finally Happened (A Stupid Injury Story)


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I broke a bone. I am nearly 34 and have never (officially) broken a bone. And I did it in the stupidest way possible.


This time of year in Colorado I don't get too many detailing jobs. So I find other ways to "detail." My mom is coming to visit next month so I got out the extractor and the Carpet and Upholstry cleaner and went to work on my carpets in the house. (BTW CUC works awesome in the house) So, yesterday I was working on the master bedroom just about finished the second floor. I went into the bathroom to get my fill tank and I stubbed my toe on the door, snapping it right in two. I won't discribe it, it was really bad. Oddly enough it hurt just as much as a normal stubbed toe.


Now I am stuck on the couch with at least one broken bone in my foot for the next 2 days. I am hobeling around. This sucks. Walking the dog really sucks. I am really hating having a second and third floor condo with both bathrooms upstairs. I always said one of these days I am going to stub my toe and break it. I have had dumb injuries but I think this is the dumbest.


Anyone else ever have a dumb injury like this?

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Sorry to hear man. That does suck that a toe can cause so much stress and handicap your abilities to do everyday simple things.


I have many dumb injuries growing up.

Broken 8 of 10 fingers from face masks playing football to hammering one putting a shelf up.

Did I mention my nose more than once and a couple of my toes. you know what they say ..S--T Happens!

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Yeah I was fishing in a canoe and caught a bass. Was unhooking it and it jumped, sending one barb of one of the treble hooks deep into my thumb. Spent about 10 mins trying to open the ring holding the hook to the lure and praying the fish wouldn't go crazy (which I guess it read my mind and stayed still). A trip to the ER got it out.

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Sorry to hear man. I've broken too many bones all over but the dumbest one was when I kicked a work bench while in frustration and chipped a bone on the roof of my foot. They couldn't do much to heal it besides a cordizone (sp?) shot to help fill in the chipped area. Otherwise it was surgery. Thankfully the shot ended up working but I still had to limp around like an idiot for months and explain to people how it happened.


Hope you get better soon brotha!

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Sorry to hear this... It sucks for sure!


What bone did you unofficially break?


Broke my left pinky toe and the toe next to it. Bent them more than 100 degrees to the left. I am sure I have broken a finger or two in the past and a doctor told me I broke my arm once but I didn't know I broke it. I have never had to go to the doctor for a broken bone. So this is my first "official" broken bone.

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im gonna drop by and take the cake. a couple years ago was at my ex'gf's horse stable and was feeding the horses in the morning like i always did...well apparentely the horse i got to in the middle was so damn hungry it decided to take the scoop with the food and my left index finger...OUCHH!!! f*cker bit right down to the bone and didnt know until i opened it up and saw my joint moving. no pain though severed a nerve permanently....now thats ODD! :lol:

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ouch, sorry to hear! I've definitely stubbed my toes plenty of times..


if it makes you feel better, Monday night at drill I was crawling around with my gear on and my hood covering my mask as well as the lights were out.. I crawled up a small flight of stairs and I was feeling around with my halligan and as I was advancing, I slacked a little on feeling the floor and fell head first about 4 feet down to the next level.. OUCH!!

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Sorry to hear about your injury, David. I have stubbed my toes on numerous occasions and it is usually by the wife thinking she needed to leave junk in the walkways, like the vacuum. One time it was her scale that she uses to weigh boxes for shipping. Sliced me right open. A couple of times of turning on the lights while she was asleep fixed her with doing that.


The new thing lately, and I'am still learning, did it just the other night, is the new bed. It has corners that stick out further than the other one (and further than the rest of the bed post) and are about ankle high. Hurts like a SOB every time I do it.


This thread reminds of the worst "did it to myself" injury that happened several years ago. I had a handcart, one of those steel heavy duty ones that you could use as a two wheeler or fold it down to roll around on four wheels. I had it in the two wheel position and was pulling it back into the work truck. The wheels got stuck on the bottom side of the first step. So I pulled a little harder, usually it would just come right over. This time though the handle come loose and popped me right in the nose. No bleeding, but it definitely hurt.

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This is turning into an interesting thread and making me feel a little less stupid reading all of these. Thanks guys.


Chris, I would never stub my toe or trip over the vacuum in my house. My wife never touches the thing. Ha.


I think me "did it to myself" injury was when I was a tower climber. I had gotten out of the bucket on the hi-lift and went to step off the back of the truck. But stupid me, I never disconnected my safety harness from the bucket. It retracted and slammed me back into the deck of the truck and I hit my funny bone. Tore some tendens that pinched nerves in my arm. Couldn't feel my fingers for two weeks.


There was a point in my life that when I went to the doctor his first words were "What did you do THIS time?"

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Well,30yrs ago back on the farm,my brother and i were straightening steel t-posts ,Bent over from cows reaching over the fence.I grabbed the top of one and pulled with all my mite towards me and it snapped off at ground level and the top hit me right square between the eyes.Needed 5 stitches.

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Well,30yrs ago back on the farm,my brother and i were straightening steel t-posts ,Bent over from cows reaching over the fence.I grabbed the top of one and pulled with all my mite towards me and it snapped off at ground level and the top hit me right square between the eyes.Needed 5 stitches.


This reminds me of when my brother and I were kids, he found this pitchfork looking thing. The best way I can describe it was that it was like a mini pitchfork, had three prongs on the one end and the handle part was like what you expect to see on a screwdriver. But it was missing the "plastic handle" portion (covering). If that makes sense. He jambed the handle end into the ground. Leaned over it as he was pulling up on it and one of the prongs got him right in the eye. Poked a hole in the white portion of his eye. Vision is fine, way lucky though.

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Ouch, I know the feeling. My house is a quad level. My dog always wants to run between my legs when someone Coles to the door, I get tripped going down the stairs at least twice a week. Ha! I think this is the only reason I hate having hard wood floors in my house.

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