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Hello! Questions About Adams!


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I am about to pull the button on a $300 order from Adams (Essential Kit, plus some extras) but I am worried about the products. I am ordering all at once due to the fact to save on shipping, and if I am gonna do a detail I ONLY use products from the same manufacturer. Reason for this is they design their products to work together, and I like the idea. The main reason I look to Adams is over time I have heard great things, and better yet made in the USA.


I just want to make sure I read their return policy right.. If I do a detail and DONT like their products, I can return the entire order of $3XX and get my money back even though I used some of the product? I ordered from another website sometime ago, and they didn't allow returns on used products and I was out $200 on something I hated and gave to buddy.

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That's right! If you spent $300.00, tried it and didn't like it, you can send the whole kit-n-kaboodle back and get $330.00. Likewise, if there are some products you like and others you don't, you can send the ones you don't like back for a 110% refund of each item's purchase price. At least that is how I understand it.

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That's right! If you spent $300.00, tired it and didn't like it, you can send the whole kit-n-kaboodle and get $330.00 back. Likewise, if there are some products you like and others you don't, you can send the ones you don't like back for a 110% refund of each item's purchase price. At least that is how I understand it.


That is how I understand it as well, I just want to confirm as I don't want to be out $300 if I don't like the products.


As I said I prefer and will only use products all from the same manufacturer as they designed to work together.

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All these guys speak the truth....but so do I.

You won't be disappointed. PERIOD. I wouldn't be so much concerned about whether or not you'll get your money back. If I were YOU, my main concern would be if I could find a 2nd job to afford all the other products I'm gonna buy!!! Because YOU WILL WANT MORE when you see the results of your first order!!! :D

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I echo everyone else. Adam's can only offer the 110% guarantee IF they offer top quality products. If they offered a 110% guarantee and sold sub-par products, they would be out of business. Sure, occasionally, someone takes advantage of the guarantee...but I would say those people are very rare. Just remember...you can have the best products in the world, but if you don't know what you are doing...you won't get good results. Watch the videos and be patient.


By the way...are you going to "pull the trigger" or "push the button" :)

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There's a reason Adams offers a 110% money back refund. They are the best out there. But don't worry...you won't be returning them anyway once you use them. And, yes, watch the videos over and over. They are a wealth of information.

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Sounds like you are setting yourself up with disappointment. If you use the products as intended you will not be disappointed! Now if you have a lot of swirls the buttery wax or Americana is not gonna take them out! You have to be realistic. Just playing devils advocate here. Or even the hand swirl and haze remover. It takes a machine to do that. Good luck and welcome!

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