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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Part 2 of magnum disaster!!!!!

Green Machine

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That's unreal. Thank God you walked away from that not having been killed or even in worse shape. Happy you made it out of that man. Sorry this had to happen, but that thing sure did protect you like it should. +1 for Mopar.

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That's unreal. Thank God you walked away from that not having been killed or even in worse shape. Happy you made it out of that man. Sorry this had to happen, but that thing sure did protect you like it should. +1 for Mopar.


It really is impressive how today's cars are built so well as to protect the occupants. That Magnum performed its final job with honor! :thumbsup:

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The EMT said if you were in a smaller car or one less robust it would have been fatal. My foot has 9 broken bones. Gonna need pins and screws and he is gonna fuse. Some of the bones. I am gonna need a bone graft which they will take from my heel . Basically he has to rebuild my arch!


He also said the crumple zone was maxed out so the energy had to go somewhere and that was through my foot on the brake .

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The EMT said if you were in a smaller car or one less robust it would have been fatal. My foot has 9 broken bones. Gonna need pins and screws and he is gonna fuse. Some of the bones. I am gonna need a bone graft which they will take from my heel . Basically he has to rebuild my arch!


He also said the crumple zone was maxed out so the energy had to go somewhere and that was through my foot on the brake .


Wow. Sounds uncomfortable. Get well fast!

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My dad went thru a similar accident in 97 he skidded on wet leaves in his 95 pathfinder and took a hard hit on the driver front. He ended up with three rods to set his broken heel two surgeries later cars are replaceable body parts not so much. Feel better and keep ur chin up

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Remember to take all the screws and pins before the surgery and shine them up with MP#1 and MP#2 followed up by some Quick Sealant so everytime they look at your x-rays they are stunned with the Adams shine on them!


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That's bad! Good to see your okay and visiting the forums here to share your unfortunate circumstance. My family often asks me why don't I drive a car and honestly stuff like this is why I don't drive something like a Honda or a prius lol. Oh and a 2nd vote for a 13 Ram 1500 though I am a bit biased lol :)

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